Astrology,Tarot & Numerology
2021 Astrological Predictions and Possibilities
CJ Liu interviews Greg Bogart, PhD, MFT, an astrologist, psychotherapist and author of the book “Astrology’s Higher Octaves.” We take a retrospective of the last year and look at how astrology may have foreshadowed the main events that occurred with COVID-19. Greg offers his interpretation of what may happen in 2021.
There is an opportune time now for you to get clear with your vocational intentions when Jupiter and Saturn conjunct on Dec 21st. This happens every 20 years and the last time these two planets conjuncted in Aquarius was in the 1400’s, before the Renaissance. Between now through February, a new consciousness opens up that demands we think and act as a collective and as cooperative groups.
Greg offers his thoughts on what it means for us. How can you unfold the highest potential of this conjunction? We will study the effects of the Jupiter-Saturn in each natal house. We also discuss how we can merge with this conjunction and make constructive choices that will shape our future.
More on Greg Bogart
Greg Bogart, Ph.D., MFT, is a psychotherapist in private practice in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is a lecturer in psychology at Sonoma State University, a teacher at the California Institute of Integral Studies, and the author of numerous books on astrology, dreams, yoga, and spiritual depth psychology.
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