Energetic Clearing

Connecting Heaven and Earth (Chakra healing)

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Connecting-heaven-and-earth-chakra-cleansing-300x300Your energy is a dynamic, multi-dimensional, multi-layered system.  Join CJ as she interviews Monica McDowell describes her chakra healing and chakra cleansing process and learn a technique for connecting your body to heaven and earth.

How to connect to heaven and earth? How to clear your chakras using a dowser?


Energetic Healing- 6 Steps for Clearing your Energy

 By Monica McDowell

PictureThis began as a couple of Facebook posts about how to clear one’s energy. It prompted a few queries, some discussion, and a couple of requests to learn more about how I personally clear energy. I won’t detail here how to clear someone else’s energy that you’ve picked up, but I will blog about that next time. I also won’t detail here how to help clear another person’s energy from them, as this requires understanding and training in ethics of care, which is not appropriate for a simple blogpost.

In shifting an energy in me that I’ve become aware is now blocking my forward progress, this is my six step process: I acknowledge it, connect/become one with it, name it, learn from it, thank/bless it, and release/transform it. I will assume for the purposes of brevity in explaining these steps that you are already somewhat aware of energy and know at least a little bit about what it means to have your energy cleared. If you have no idea what the heck I’m talking about, make an appointment with an energy practitioner, start reading about alternative medicine, or take a class in one of many energy modalities: qi gong, tai chi, acupuncture/acupressure, reiki, energy psychology, etc., in order to get in touch on a more conscious level with your own amazing energy!

Step One: Notice the energy that is getting your attention to clear, thereby acknowledging it. It is helpful sometimes to have an actual conversation with the energy out loud or in your mind. Let’s say you notice some heavy energy in your heart area. So I might say, “I notice you, this heaviness in and around my heart area.”

Step Two: Connect/become one with this energy. How you do this is unique to you. The primary ways most people connect are through feeling it in the body or seeing it in the mind or third eye. After connecting with it, then become even more aware of it on a deeper level. Notice what it looks like (if you can’t see it, just imagine that you can), smells like, sounds like, feels like, what substance it is (solid, gas, liquid), what color, what it’s doing (or not). In learning this process at first, the more you get in touch with an energy with as much sensory data as possible, the easier it can be to clear it. When you have practiced it enough, you know what will usually work best for you.

Step Three: Name this energy. Generally no matter if the energy is a thought/belief or a physical symptom, there is an emotion attached to the energy. So in naming the energy, be specific in naming the feeling along with any other information you receive about this energy. Again, a conversation with it might go like this: “This heaviness in my heart, I can feel now that there is sadness (or anger, fear, etc.) there. I see that you are grief from losing my mom that I didn’t get a chance to express fully at the time.” Try not to identify with the emotion by saying “I am sad” or “My sadness” as this makes it much more difficult to clear. Practice detachment. You are not your emotions! At any point during these steps, as you acknowledge and connect more deeply with the energy, the emotion that is there will seek to be expressed. Allow this especially if you are new to the healing process or are normally reticent to express your emotions. If you know or find it’s going to overwhelm you, do this emotional release in the presence of a compassionate, strong person who can be a holding space for you. If you know how to release emotional energy without having to emote, that’s fine, too, as long as you’re acknowledging and connecting with it and so not denying or suppressing it.

Step Four: Learn from it. All energies are teachers with gifts. Ask this energy, “What are you here to teach me? What can I learn from you?” The energy may answer you through a word that comes to mind, a picture that flashes in your head, a song or tune, or just a knowing.

Step Five: Thank and bless the energy. Thank it for teaching you and helping you learn more so you can prepare and shift to the next level.

Step Six: Release or transform the energy. This may take a little time to learn what best works for you. If you have a meditation or prayer or other ritual you do that connects you directly with Source or your higher light, you can do this here and ask/direct that higher energy into the place of the lower energy you are trying to clear. Tell the old energy to release. “I release the energy that is blocking me. Your true essence is Light. I release you to the Light. I now bring in higher Light that is for my highest and best to replace/transform the old energy.” Asking for help from Source or angels and guides is always appropriate. Visualizing this happening is powerful. Some people do a dance, breathwork, or use their hands to help shift the energy as well.

When you first start out doing this healing process, let’s say in traditional therapy as you work through a repressed emotion or memory, this process can take a long time, even years. The more you practice this process, especially if you add energy awareness, the time can be greatly diminished. In my own experience the time to clear an energy has been gradually and naturally reduced to being nearly instantaneous. I connect with the energy, and then tell it to release and it goes. Please note, though, that I’ve practiced this process for many years, several hundreds of times, and spent innumerable hours figuring out the process that works for me, so please don’t get discouraged or think you must be doing something wrong if it takes you some time to clear an energy. It may be there are more levels or aspects to the energy that you need to connect with, it may not yet be the right time, or you may need to call on the expertise of someone else to help you. I personally find that thoughts, beliefs, memories, and emotions release very fast for me, but I still have to work at releasing energies that are thoroughly embedded physically. This may be due to the fact that the physical is the densest of these (thoughts, emotions, body) and because bodies and cells have their own consciousness and memories (and thus minds of their own!), and thus more time and cooperation are needed to release physically embedded or attached energies. Spontaneous physical healings are not uncommon, though, in this energy milieu, and everything is possible, so stay open and positive!

I find it a great privilege and very exciting to help people on their own path to learning to help heal themselves! If you would like to learn more, I offer private sessions (in person or over the phone/Skype) and regularly teach classes on energy healing. Contact me via email through this website here if you want to schedule an appointment.

Next blogpost: How to clear (and stay clear of) other people’s energies that you’ve picked up and are carrying around.

Monica McDowell – Healer, Empath, Intuitive, Mystic, Author

monica mcdowellMonica McDowell is a dynamic speaker, inspirational author, and expert practitioner in the areas of mind/body/spirit/energy healing and mystical spirituality.

She earned her Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary in spiritual care and counseling and served as an ordained minister, spiritual director, and chaplain before her path turned to mysticism.Monica’s miraculous journey into mystical spirituality began during her tumultuous years as a whistle-blower. Regularly experiencing spontaneous healings, angels, visitations, auras, and the like catapulted her into a paradigm shift beyond compare.The result was Monica’s awakening to her Truest Self as well as becoming the first ordained minister in the USA to be granted civil rights in a precedent-setting federal ruling.Read her book My Karma Ran Over My Dogma for the full story!





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