How to Access the Akashic Records? (Linda Howe)
CJ Liu interviews Linda Howe about her book “How to Read the Akashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and Its Journey”. Linda celebrates the tenth year anniversary of her book, which was the first books out there on the Akashic records on Amazon. Unlike other books, her book makes the records accessible to the general population via a simple, straightforward, and secular prayer called the Pathway Prayer process. This book and practical accessible approach to the records has been part of Linda’s mission, which she describes in the interview. Make sure to listen into what Linda says our primary purpose is in this life. The next part of the interview focuses on our personal journey toward igniting infinite love within ourselves so that we can experience and express more love in the world.
Also, get a personal look at Linda’s spiritual journey and how it took her from writing a primer on the Akashic records to focus on individual healing and her second book “Healing Through the Akashic Records: Using the Power of Your Sacred Wounds to Discover Your Soul’s Perfection”. Linda describes shares how she discovered her Sacred Wound, which was being a perfectionist and how the Akashic record helped her move to more peace and self acceptance. CJ shares her two Sacred Wounds about feeling safety in this chaotic world and being obsessed with accomplishment. Plus, Linda describes the benefit of taking a live class with her.
How to Access the Akashic Records?: YouTube Video
More on Linda Howe
Linda Howe. After two decades of spiritual searching, Linda Howe first encountered the Akashic Records in 1994.Many adventures later, now a Doctor of Spiritual Studies, she is today the leading expert and pioneer in the field of Akashic Studies for personal empowerment and transformation.
Related Articles on the Akashic Records
- Akashic records – Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akashic_records
- Six Steps To Help You Access The Akashic Records | Gaia https://www.gaia.com/article/akashic-records-101-can-we-access-our-akashic-records
- The Akashic Records – Crystalinks https://www.crystalinks.com/akashicrecords.html