Living a Spiritual Life

Awaken the Power Within

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CJ Liu interviews Albert Amao about his book “Awaken the Power Within”. Albert Amao is a national speaker of the Theosophical Society in America, and is author of several books. His most recent book examines the rationale for the self-help culture.

Albert started his exploration into self-help as a sixteen year boy.  His parents shares his roots in Communism, Christianity, and mysticism. Each of these  and how he navigated to find his truth. While there are many “self-help” programs, some of them do more harm than good. Albert’s book examines the rationale for the self-help culture and the core need that is important. In addition, Albert shares how some of these techniques are “snake oil” and the false promises of making a person a a millionaire. Quantum physics provides validation for what the mystics have always described. It’s all about energy and consciousness. Albert offers a sneak peak into his newest book on the purpose of life is to evolve our consciousness.

Awaken the Power Within: YouTube Video

More on Albert Amao

Albert Amao Soria is a graduate of the National University of San Marcos, in Lima, Peru. He holds a PhD in sociology, and is a social theorist and cultural critic. He lectures widely on metaphysical subjects and is a national speaker of the Theosophical Society in America.

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