Astrology,Tarot & Numerology

Astrology Predictions 2015 (Lisa Barretta)

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Astrology Predictions 2015 – Based on the energies of the planets what can we expect in terms of the economy, politics, and generally for 2015. What are the big shifts that are happening and how will they affect us next year? How will our values of freedom and liberty for all be challenged this year? What are the truths that have been hidden from the general public be exposed? What will change from 2014?  Also, check out links below for a quick Astrological reading for 2015 based on your sign.



Astrological reading for US: What to expect in 2015 in politics, media, and economics?

  • Expect new things being exposed in 2015.
  • Intercepted house in the 3rd house(Aquarius and Pisces) may result in changes in media. Media will become more accountable and diverse with media with different types of reporting. The government may struggle with the types of control over what is posted on the internet.
  • Uranus in 4th house (home base) means people will be rebelling and demanding answers from our government.
  • Starting in March: Neptune going through Pisces (3rd house) may result in upheaval in the movie industry, where the industry will be producing things that go beyond entertainment (dramatizations of real issues). Possibly more conflict between government and movie industry. Possible actor/actress going into politics, or demanding more of government.
  • Weird weather (end of March-Mid May) with possible flooding and storms.
  • Neptune with eclipses in Pisces /Virgo axis may result in accidents.
  • June and July potentially more information about hidden mysteries like the missing Malaysian plane in 2014 (12th house moving into 1st house).
  • People will demand answers and ask for things to change. At the end of 2015, we may get some viable alternatives for Healthcare. Pluto (government/criminal element) in Capricorn, which is squaring Uranus with is in Aries (4th house-home base) causes these changes.
  • The economy will see ups and downs especially during Jan-Feb where there is a retrograde. Do not consider investing during Jan-Feb. Gold prices will continue to go up. Jupiter going into Virgo at end of Summer. Between now-Summer watch the market and invest carefully. Real estate market may drop so jump on it before July.
  • Get your own personalized reading by going to


2015 Astrological Reading by sign.

Click to skip to predictions for your sign.

Aries: New opportunities for 2015
Taurus: Relationship issues going away
Gemini: Finding the right partner
Cancer: Issues with relationships, but will be settled with
Leo: Lot of abundance, but get a firm base.
Virgo: Things are looking up for you 🙂
Libra: Good year for business
Scorpio: Coming out of heaviness from last year. Anything new will have staying power.
Sagittarius: Time to restructure your life. May find a little restrictions
Capricorn: Spiritual awakening where you are more in touch with your intuitive side.
Aquarius: Lots of opportunities this year with media, film, writing, and creative projects, or being a creative consultant.
Pisces: Big awakening. Intuitive, healing, and artistic awakening for you. A big spiritual awakening.

About Astrlogist Lisa Barretta

DSCN0372Lisa Barretta is an artist, psychic reader, certified Reiki practitioner, and author of The Street Smart Psychic’s Guide to Getting a Good Reading and The Book of Transformation. After receiving her first set of tarot cards at age of 14, Lisa began studying divination and astrology while honing her own innate psychic skills. Over the past 30 years she has developed her client base strictly by word-of-mouth. Her worldwide list of clients now spans the United States, United Kingdom and the Middle East.Get your own personalized reading by going to To get more interviews like this then subscribe to this channel and go to www.fireitupwithcj.       # yearly horoscope, astrology, astrologers, astrology charts,yearly horoscopes,astrology reading,free astrology readings, pluto, uranus,  scorpio, saturn, uranus going through aries



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