Love & Connection
Conquer Your Karmic Relationships
CJ Liu interviews Tracee Dunblazier about her book “Conquer Your Karmic Relationships: Heal Spiritual Trauma to Open Your Heart and Restore Your Soul”.
Part 1: Do We Control our Life? Karma vs. Destiny
Tracee defines Karma as patterns that are created throughout our many incarnations. This Karma shapes the patterns of behavior, which in turn create a lens of how we perceive the world and in turn, what we attract towards us. Our karma helps us get clearer on our destiny, things we are here to learn and how we relate to others. For example, if we had a lens of freedom from societal norms defining our gender roles, this would affect how we relate to sexuality, creativity, spirituality and divinity.
Tracee and CJ talk about the societal shifts that are giving us an opportunity to open our hearts and heal our karmic wounds. In the interview, we talk about wearing a mask and how there may be 2 different reactions. How we relate to this issue of wearing a mask may have more to do with our karma, then anything. Tracee explains that mask wearing is a small thing that likely relates to a deeper truth (freedom, abiding to law) and our reaction to it may have less to do with “a mask” and more to do with something deeper.
For example, if we had many lives being enslaved by some governing “authority” and we did nothing to protest (e.g.- Holocaust), then we are likely to be triggered to ACT from this place. Similarly, if we had constantly followed authority focusing on “others” then we may feel angry when people don’t wear a mask. The trigger (wearing a mask) can lead us to open hearts and heal our spiritual trauma if we use this challenging time as a way to lean into finding these unhealed parts of our soul.
Do We Control our Life? Karma vs. Destiny: YouTube Video
Part 2: How to Figure Out If Someone Is Your Soulmate vs Twin Flame vs True Love
Tracee describes soulmates. Soulmates are those that we have known in previous life times or in this lifetime feel an energetic alignment at a deep level. She explains that there can be some that have a deep cultural soulmate (e.g.- Pope Francis) that leave a lasting legacy for all people.
Tracee describes Twin Flames and people who come together and are connected in some way. Some people feel that they are two parts, and that when brought together they feel a sense of “wholeness”. Tracee adds that these are two people who may or may not stay together. They are two people who have unfinished business and that they are here to learn from each other.
As such, a twin flame may not even be a romantic partnership or true love. For example, let’s say you have had many lives where you are a victim of abuse. In this life, you marry someone who is an abuser. This may be a twin flame. Each of you has a powerful intent. For the victim, it may be for you to learn why you don’t own your power. For the abuser, it may be that you continue to control another as a way to avoid your pain. Both have a positive intent for being in the relationship. Whether either person learns and confronts the pain is the opportunity that we have for changing this pattern.
How to Figure Out If Someone Is Your Soulmate vs Twin Flame vs True Love: YouTube Video
More on Tracee Dunblazier
Tracee Dunblazier GC-C, is a Los Angeles-based spiritual empath, shaman, and five-time national award-winning author. As a multi-sensitive, Tracee’s blend of intuitive information combined with different modalities, has provided the opportunity for many to achieve deep healing and create the success and peace they seek in their lives.
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