Dealing with Toxic People @Work
CJ Liu interviews Dr. Paul White on his book “The Vibrant Workplace”. What is a vibrant workplace? What are obstacles for having a vibrant workplace? What is the best way to deal if you are thriving group within a toxic workplace? How do you deal with toxic people within your workgroup? How Paul defintes corporate culture as a cummulation of thousands of interactions? How decision making and how a group handles challenges and obsatcles is so important? Why appreciation is the antidote? What is the difference betwen appreciation, enocuragement, and recognition?
More on Dr. Paul White
Dr. Paul White is a psychologist, author, speaker, and consultant who “ makes work relationships work”. For the past 20 years, he’s improved numerous businesses, schools, government agencies and non-profit organizations by helping them: Create positive workplace relationships and improve staff morale.
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Related Articles on Toxic Workplaces
- 5 Signs You’re In A Toxic Workplace – Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/emiliearies/2017/03/07/5-signs-youre-in-a-toxic-workplace/
- 15 factors that create a toxic workplace | The Predictive Index https://www.predictiveindex.com/blog/15-factors-that-create-a-toxic-workplace/
- 15 Ways To Stay Sane In A Toxic Office – Bustle https://www.bustle.com/articles/154978-15-ways-to-stay-sane-in-a-toxic-office