Compassion and Confidence
DEI: The Harm of Traumatic Stories
CJ Liu interviews Antonio Sacre about his new MP3 “World’s Second Best Dad.” Antonio is an award-winning performer, storyteller, and author-in-residence at the UCLA Lab school.
In many of the Diversity Equality and Inclusion programs, there is a shaming of stories of the past. While it’s important to understand our history, rehashing these stories causes trauma for the storyteller and the listener. Instead, there may be better ways for us to share our stories.
Antonio discusses what happens when we share our stories before we have a transformative way of looking at life. Without a heroes-journey conclusion, the listener may experience trauma.
Instead, is there a way for us to share our common and shared story of navigating life as humans and using it as a way to connect us in empathy and love versus guilt and fear.
DEI: The Harm of Traumatic Stories: YouTube Video
More on Antonio Sacre
Antonio Sacre tells stories.
His tales of growing up bilingually in a Cuban and Irish-American household have inspired children worldwide to gather their own family stories and become storytellers themselves. Antonio’s stories have been published in award-winning books and audio recordings. Professional Developments and Keynote addresses he has given have helped educators teach writing to students from per-Kindergarten through graduate school. Now his stories are being developed for film and television.
He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, two children, and two cats. Yes, he’s a cat guy.
To purchase Antonio’s books, click here.
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