Month: April 2011

No Impact Man (no TV, cars, or toliet paper)

No Impact Man (no TV, cars, or toliet paper)

What would it be like to try to live a no impact (sustainable) lifestyle? Is it possible? Is living this
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Sustainable Farming: Making smart food choices (Slow food)

Sustainable Farming: Making smart food choices (Slow food)

Learn about slow food and sustainable farming and how your food decisions at the store can help the planet.  Slow
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How to stop Global Warming? (KC Golden)

How to stop Global Warming? (KC Golden)

Taking care of the planet is a responsibility that we all share. While we can point fingers and dispute facts,
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The Father of Earth Day (Denis Hayes)

The Father of Earth Day (Denis Hayes)

Did you ever wonder how Earth Day got started? Are you wondering how you can help kick off Earth Day
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