Year: 2012

Alternatives to expensive medical procedure

Alternatives to expensive medical procedure

Even doctors and the most sophisticated tests can’t always find the source of a health issue, but there is one
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Using Astrology to reach your full potential (Mary Valby)

Using Astrology to reach your full potential (Mary Valby)

Everyone is blessed with inherent gifts. Mary Valby our resident astrology brainiac, who wrote her Princeton thesis on medieval zodiac
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Finding the artist within: Switching Careers (Ellen Brook)

Finding the artist within: Switching Careers (Ellen Brook)

Do you ever find yourself with boundless creative juices and nowhere to go with them?  What if you could tap
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Living Life as Art (Jerry Wennstrom)

Living Life as Art (Jerry Wennstrom)

What would happen if you let go of everything that you knew and own? You let go of your job,
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Part 2: Tap into your own creative genius

Part 2: Tap into your own creative genius

Artist and designer Ellen Brook shares her creative process with her works in silk and offers a model for how
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Part 1: Moving from a corporate job to becoming an artist

Part 1: Moving from a corporate job to becoming an artist

Ellen shares her inspirational story and is  great reminder for the incredible rewards that life offers when we are willing
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Stay at Home Mom Turn Superstar (Sue London)

Stay at Home Mom Turn Superstar (Sue London)

Sue London shares her incredible personal journey from moving from a stay at home mom and return back to the
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The science and serenity of sound

The science and serenity of sound

Sounds bombard us from the start of the day with our alarm clocks, to the beeping grinding traffic, and then
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Chinese face reading (Jean Haner)

Chinese face reading (Jean Haner)

Chinese face reading is an ancient branch of Chinese medicine, which teaches that you are born with a personal blueprint
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Dealing with major life transitions (Lama Surya Das)

Dealing with major life transitions (Lama Surya Das)

Learn to treasure and savor moments in life even the hard ones.  Pain is inevitable in life, suffering is optional.
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