Year: 2013

Living in the NOW (Lama Surya Das)

Living in the NOW (Lama Surya Das)

Do you fight against the current and the dynamics of life and as a result find yourself exhausted and stressed
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How to achieve goals?

How to achieve goals?

How to achieve goals?  As a life coach one of my primary responsibilities is to help my clients achieve their personal goals.
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Achieving Goals and Setting New Years Resolutions

Achieving Goals and Setting New Years Resolutions

Why are our personal goals so hard to create and achieve? Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr, author of upcoming book The
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The 3 minute short meditations – It still works

The 3 minute short meditations – It still works

Here are my favorite tips from Lama Surya Das’ book Buddha Standard Time and how I have adopted these in
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6 Steps to Manifesting Money and Wealth (Asara Lovejoy)

6 Steps to Manifesting Money and Wealth (Asara Lovejoy)

A video with Asara Lovejoy author of “The One Command” demonstrating how you can start to manifesting money and wealth
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CJ Liu’s life story in 4 minutes or less

CJ Liu – Life’s Story Have you ever had to summarize the key insights in your life in 4 minutes
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Video: 3 Steps towards a heart connection (Michael Faith)

3 Steps towards a heart Connection Learn 3 steps towards getting a heart connection drawn from Michael Faith’s book “Heart
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Heart Meditation: Open your heart to another (Michael Faith)

Heart Meditation: Open your heart to another (Michael Faith)

Do you want to see things from a different perspective?  Take a life issue you have and see what happens
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Making your peace with death and dying(Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr)

Making your peace with death and dying(Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr)

For many people, the fear of death results in not fully living.  Learn more about why it’s so important to
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Attracting more $

Attracting more $

What if you could ask the universe and make just “One Command” on what you want the universe to bring
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