Year: 2013

Hope and how it relates to a happy life

Hope and how it relates to a happy life

Self-help books abound with ideas on getting to meaning and happiness (e.g.- gratitude, meditation, yoga, etc).  Where is the proof
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Use less air conditioning

Use less air conditioning

Staying cool and comfortable during the summer can be a challenge.  Explore all the ways to beat the heat waves
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Living with Mental Illness (Dr.Lloyd Sederer)

Living with Mental Illness (Dr.Lloyd Sederer)

Don’t wait until it’s too late to reclaim your life.  Hear inspirational stories of how people with mental illness can
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6 Solutions to our Biggest Problems in the world

6 Solutions to our Biggest Problems in the world

Why are the viable solutions to the world’s biggest problems in the world (global warming, disease, and poverty) not being
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A Liar and Thief that Teaches Business Ethics

A Liar and Thief that Teaches Business Ethics

What has the world come to when a thief becomes one of the leading experts in business ethics?  Think about
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Graduation – Advice on How to Swim with the Sharks

Graduation – Advice on How to Swim with the Sharks

It’s time to enter the real world for many grads out there.  Tim Hoch, a trial attorney, offers life lessons
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Sustainability: A spiritual perspective

Sustainability: A spiritual perspective

Is it fair or right that we shift the burden of taking care of the earth to our children?  
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Choosing a Path- Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism- Oh my!

Choosing a Path- Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism- Oh my!

Is this all there is to life?  Why am I here?  What is my purpose in life?  I have all
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Patience- Persevering in the face of delay (Ragini Michaels)

Patience- Persevering in the face of delay (Ragini Michaels)

Like young toddlers, we want everything NOW without every questioning whether immediate results are better than patiently waiting for something
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Lessons for Control Freaks (The Art of Surrender)

Lessons for Control Freaks (The Art of Surrender)

Are you a control freak?  Many believe that controlling things will maximize our returns on an investment and is the
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