Year: 2013

Circle Leadership (Harry Uhane Jim – Segment 3)

Circle Leadership (Harry Uhane Jim – Segment 3)

Show Summary Segment 3: Circle Leadership:  Why do circles beat triangles?  Over time, how have pyramid based societies weaken our
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Creating Balance and Abundance (Harry Uhane Jim – 2)

Show Summary Segment 2: Creating Balanced Abundance-  Harry Uhane Jim talks about how the caveman mentality of rubbing sticks to
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Divine Feminine( Harry Uhane Jim – Segment 1 of 4)

Show Summary Segment 1: Divine Feminine – Harry discusses how the end of male tyranny is ending and a new
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How to Open your heart? (Segment 2-Shepherd Hoodwin)

How to Open your heart? (Segment 2-Shepherd Hoodwin)

Show Summary Shepherd discusses how to open the inner door to your heart and discern whether to open or close
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Taking care of yourself- Self Love (Segment 4- Shepherd Hoodwin)

Taking care of yourself- Self Love (Segment 4- Shepherd Hoodwin)

Show Summary In this segment we talk about loving others unconditionally as a means of self-love and how to immerse
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How do we love others?  (Segment 3-Shepherd Hoodwin)

How do we love others? (Segment 3-Shepherd Hoodwin)

Show Summary Everyone has their own way of loving.   My favorite book on this is 5 Love Languages, which suggests
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Love—The Best Anger Management Tool (Segment 1)

Love—The Best Anger Management Tool (Segment 1)

Show Summary Anger is my friend (see show on Anger). It didn’t start off that way, but over time I
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Money is Power: Voting with your Wallet

Money is Power: Voting with your Wallet

How can you be more conscious of the world you are creating with the $ you spend every day? Money is
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Vegan Diet- Is it morally correct eating conscious plants? Segment 4

Show Summary Segment 4: Will suggests that plants do have consciousness too and he explains why he’s ok with eating conscious plants
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How can Vegans live in peace with meat eaters? Segment 3

Show Summary Segment 3: Why are Vegans so angry? Will shares how he’s been able to make peace with the
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