Month: January 2014

Akasha: Everything you need to know about the Akashic Records (Linda Howe)

Akasha: Everything you need to know about the Akashic Records (Linda Howe)

The Akasha  is a life force that hold the permanent records both the past and future of all human thought and
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How your Meditation and spiritual practice evolves over time?

How your Meditation and spiritual practice evolves over time?

Are you new to meditation and need some help? Maybe, you are an advanced spiritual practitioner and need to go
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Manifestation: Your thoughts create your reality (Pam Grout)

Manifestation: Your thoughts create your reality (Pam Grout)

What if you could prove that your reality is malleable?  Join CJ as she interviews Pam Grout on her #1
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Juicy Spiritual Insights on Pope Francis (Tarot with James Wanless)

Juicy Spiritual Insights on Pope Francis (Tarot with James Wanless)

James Wanless offers a Tarot reading on  Pope Francis Sure you can get traditional news on Time Magazine’s Person of
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