Month: June 2014

The hunter farmer diet (Dr. Mark Liponis)

The hunter farmer diet (Dr. Mark Liponis)

Why do some diets work and some diets fail?  Join CJ as she interviews Dr. Mark Liponis, who is the
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Anti Aging: Aging Gracefully with Vibrancy and Joy (Joan Borysenko/George Cappannelli)

Anti Aging: Aging Gracefully with Vibrancy and Joy (Joan Borysenko/George Cappannelli)

Why do we fear aging ? Do you visualize your self as a prune-like, forgetful geriatric in a wheel chair
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Instagram is one of the most popular photos sharing social media platforms

Instagram For PC: Instagram is one of the most popular photos sharing social media platforms.  It has millions of user
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prerecord: Recovering from a near death experience

prerecord: Recovering from a near death experience

How did Michael claw his way from death to live after a near fatal accident?  Why did he choose to
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Chanting: Finding Ourselves (Krishna Das)

Chanting: Finding Ourselves (Krishna Das)

A powerful interview with yoga’s rock star, Krishna Das.  Join CJ as she talks to Grammy-nominated artist, Krishna Das, about
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What is Success?

What is Success?

What is success?  What is the key to success? What are some common obstacles and how to use our thoughts
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