Month: September 2018

Mindful Writing: Writing as a Path to Awakening

Mindful Writing: Writing as a Path to Awakening

CJ interviews Writer, Poet, and Teacher Albert Flynn DeSilver about his book “Writing as a Path to Awakening”. Albert shares
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Buddhist Therapy: Preventing a Spiritual ByPassing

Buddhist Therapy: Preventing a Spiritual ByPassing

CJ Liu interviews Pilar Jennings, Phd on her experience as a psychoanalyst in a private practice with a focus on
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Weight Loss: How to Stop Binge Eating

Weight Loss: How to Stop Binge Eating

Do you eat when you are under stress? Do you eat because you are bored? Learn 7 skills to help
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Astral Realm: The Physics of God

Astral Realm: The Physics of God

CJ Liu interviews Joseph Selbie, a founding member of the Ananda Center and author of “The Physics of God”. Joseph
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True Ascension: Mastering Alchemy

True Ascension: Mastering Alchemy

CJ Liu interviews Jim Self author and creator of the book and program “A Course in Mastering Alchemy” Jim describes
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