How can you be FIERCE in the face of a life change?

jeffrey-hullLearn from Jeffrey Hull, a leadership coach and recognized psychologist and author on how to handle transition.

About our guest:

Jeffrey Hull, MBA, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized psychologist, leadership coach, speaker and writer. He is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post and the author of the best-selling book on life transformation: SHIFT: Let Go of Fear and Get Your Life in Gear. Dr. Hull is an extreme career changer. A refugee from fifteen years of unfulfilling corporate jobs – hotel manager, HR director, technical recruiter. Dr Hull re-invented himself in midstream and today is an entrepreneur, writer, psychotherapist, and certified executive/life coach whose clients range from single individuals in private practice to multinational Fortune 500 corporations such as: American Express, MasterCard Int’l, Phillips Van Heusen, Tiffany, HSBC, TDAmeritrade, and Chubb. He is widely recognized as a pioneer in the fields of performance coaching for executives and life coaching for individuals.

Dr. Hull has created an innovative approach to personal and professional development called The Life-Shifting Method that synthesizes the most up-to-date methods of life coaching and psychotherapy. His mission: to help people become FIERCE in the face of a life change, to transform their DREAD into DELIGHT and live out their dreams. He works with clients in every domain-mental, emotional, physical and spiritual-addressing the full spectrum of life’s challenges. His acclaimed new book, “Shift! How to Let Go of Fear and Get Your Life in Gear” published by GPP Press (Globe Pequot) hit the shelves in April 2010 and is currently available in all major book stores and online outlets.

An avid meditator and certified yoga instructor, Dr. Hull regularly speaks, teaches and leads retreats and workshops across the U.S. and abroad. Dr. Hull is passionate about helping people re-invent their lives at age 25, 40, 60 and beyond. He is constantly astounded by the ability of the human heart, the flexible brain, and the strong body to re-imagine itself all throughout the journey of life. “To be witness to the kind of joy that comes from waking up and living out one’s dreams – it is truly a privilege,” Dr. Hull likes to say, “I feel blessed to know that I do something from which I will never want to retire.”

Show Highlights:

  • What are Jeffrey’s thoughts on the major steps involved with a transition?
  • How do the roles and titles we use to define us also keep us stuck? Are you really too old to change? Hear Dr. J’s thoughts on the storie we tell ourselves during transition periods.
  • Why are transitions so difficult? What happens if we fast-forward through the pain and try to jump to the next best thing? What kind of space do we need to give ourselves during a transition? Why is space so important?
  • What is a positive way of looking at change? Learn how Dr. J quelled his own financial concerns during a recent transition.



As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.