The ancient mysteries of yoga – getting to the core.

What is the goal of daily spiritual practices like yoga or meditation? Aadil, a gifted yoga master trained by B.K.S. Iyengar , offers his insights on the illusive concept of both being and doing simulateously.  Effort and East, it’s the magic elixir that confunds even the most devout yoga student.  Aadil sheds light on how you too can reach magical moments and the pinnacle of your yoga practice on and off the matt.   Listen to Aadil’s compelling ideas and often scandalous beliefs.  Discover these ancient Eastern mysteries of yoga and start your path to “yoking” mind, body, and spirit.

About our Guest:

Aadil’s experience of holistic healing was originally prenatal, as his mother practiced yoga with B.K.S. Iyengar throughout her pregnancy.  Aadil began observing Iyengar’s classes at the age of three, commenced formal study at the age of seven, and was awarded his Advanced Yoga Teacher’s Certificate at the age of twenty-two.  Nearly thirty years later, Aadil is recognized as one of the world’s top yoga teachers. He is regarded as a “teacher of teachers,” and many of the world’s top yoga instructors have studied with him. He has a unique teaching style, mixing melodious instructions with recitations of poetry, philosophical insights, and in-the-moment humor.

Aadil and his wife, Mirra, are the founders of Purna Yoga™, a holistic synthesis of yogic traditions based on the work of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.  Aadil and Mirra also founded Yoga Centers® in Bellevue, Washington, and The College of Purna Yoga, a 200-hour, 500-hour and Certificate-Level teacher training program licensed by the State of Washington and Yoga Alliance Certified. Aadil teaches seminars, classes, teacher trainings, and workshops at Yoga Centers and throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, India, and other parts of Asia.

Aadil is the author of Fire of Love: For Students of Life and Teachers of Yoga, a book that seeks to restore the essence of yoga. He has also written three manuals used in his beginning, intermediate, and therapeutic teacher trainings. In addition, Aadil has written extensively for Yoga Journal, having been the Asana Columnist in 2003 and author of the Teacher’s Column for the website, as well as the “Asana Expert” for both the magazine and the website. He is frequently a keynote speaker at national events.

An encyclopedic knowledge of health matters informs Aadil’s teaching. Aadil is a certified shiatsu and Swedish bodywork therapist, a clinical hypnotherapist, and an Ayurvedic health practitioner recognized by the American Ayurvedic Association.  He continues to be a student in the healing arts.

Starting with a bachelor’s degree in physics and math, Aadil eventually got a degree in law. He practiced law in Washington State until resigning to devote his energies to his life purpose of exploring and teaching Purna Yoga. He has a passion for the arts, especially poetry, and has intensively studied elocution, operatic singing, Japanese flower arranging, painting, and drawing.

Aadil has served as advisor/board member to many organizations including Prevention Magazine, Yoga Alliance, Yoga Journal, The Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States, and The National Association Certification Committee. His educational lectures take him throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia, Canada, Mexico, and India.  Aadil has been featured in newspaper and magazine articles locally, nationally, and internationally, and has been a guest speaker and presenter on television and radio programs and news shows.  He has been the keynote speaker at the Body, Mind, and Spirit Symposiums, Yoga Journal Conferences, and Omega Conferences.

Aadil is also the president and founder of Eastern EssenceTM, an organically-grown-and-processed, dehydrated, Ayurvedic Indian food line.  Aadil has spent nine years developing these dehydrated products to help Indian farmers produce more organic foods.

Aadil works diligently with people who desire a better quality of life through a humanistic approach to wealth and health. He is president and CEO of The Innerworks CompanyTM, and lives in Bellevue with his wife, Mirra, and daughter, Zenia.

As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.