Regaining a Positive Outlook and Moving Forward in life (Faith and Courage)

ragini-22Do you have Faith and courage in yourself and others? Explore the true meaning of faith at a spiritual and psychological level.  How do you regain your faith in yourself and others? How do you overcome the fear of the unknown? Learn how to bring Faith and courage back into your life.

Show Highlights: 

  • Understanding Faith and Courage:  What is the difference between our beliefs and our faith?  How we sometimes mistake beliefs as faith?  How do we limit our true potential to live in faith through this limited understanding?
  • Cultivating Faith and Courage: Our fear of the unknown and insecurity about our self-worth keep us from fully experiencing the upsides of faith and courage.  Learn how we can be at peace with being in doubt and cowardice and use these signals to move toward courage and faith.  How can we escape the downsides of blind faith?
  • Regaining your Faith and Courage in Relationships:  How would you approach having a healthy relationship after your spouse or boyfriend cheated on you? Learn how our hurtful experiences result in drawing generalizations about the opposite sex, dating, marriage, etc.  We’ll discuss a framework for examining your beliefs and how you can regain faith in others when you feel a sense of betrayal.
  • Regaining your Faith and Courage after a layoff:  It’s common to feel pretty awful after you have been laid off or fired.  Learn how to regain your faith and courage and find another job even after a painful experience with your past job.

About our Guest:

Ragini Michaels is the founder of Facticity® Trainings, Inc., a training and consulting company established in 1988 offering certification trainings in Paradox Management, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Ericksonian Hypnosis.

Her original work on the Psychology of Paradox has received critical acclaim and taken her throughout America, Canada, Europe, and India presenting workshops and seminars. She is the creator of eight hypnosis/meditation CD’s, and the author of two books on paradox with her third,Unflappable – 6-Steps To Staying Happy, Centered, and Peaceful No Matter What, available May 2012 (Conari Press).

Her approach relies on the practical application of her behavioral change skills and personal wisdom from 35 years of exploring meditation and stress release as it relates to living in a paradoxical world. These elements create a unique perspective and style that supports people’s desire to blend the wisdom of their spiritual lives into the fabric of their material lives to produce results, a sense of purpose, and more joy and inspiration from daily living.




As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.