Spirituality,Religion and Politics

Religion and Politics: Why Politics is Spiritual? (Sandra Ingerman)

A Shaman’s look at what Mother Nature and Higher Realm Spirits would say to us about the issues of the day.  Start the public dialogue and bring more consciousness in our conversations about spirituality, religion and politics.

Show Highlights:

  • Part 1: What happens when we shift the way we think of voting and view it as a ceremony for creating positive change for all and we do it with intention? The nation voted for Obama with the hope of CHANGE.  Are we willing to deal with the consequences and transitions that come with change?  What do we have to let go of to live a harmonious and happy life even admist transition?
  • Part 2: How do the events happening in our world today reflect our inner state of turmoil? How do our thoughts of anger, rage, and war create our reality? How can we honor and respect all of life through an attitude of gratitude?
  • Part 3: Will we ever truly learn the power of love? The world was created by love and a great sense of caretaking.  Do we have amensia?  Why is this concept so incongruent with today’s political debates? If we want to change the world around us, then we first must change ourselves. The first step is with ourselves. How can you bring love back into your life?
  • Part 4: Our forefathers wanted us to create a world of independence, freedom, and equality for all.  Was this ideology just about people?  What about the web of life around us?

About our Guest:

Sandra Ingerman, MA, is the author of eight books including Soul Retrieval, Medicine for the Earth, How to Heal Toxic Thoughts, and How to Thrive in Changing Times. With Sounds True, she has published the books Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide and Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation(coauthored with Hank Wesselman) as well as five audio programs, including Shamanic Meditations: Guided Journeys for Insight, Vision, and Healingand Soul Journeys: Music for Shamanic Practice.




As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.