Aging Gracefully

Tips on Aging Gracefully

Concept Of Aging And Skin CareHow do we look and feel younger?  Join CJ Liu as she talks to Lauren Kessler, about her book “Counterclockwise: My Year of Hypnosis, Hormones, Dark Chocolate, and Other Adventures in the World of Anti-aging”, which was picked in 2013 as Wall Street Journal’s Best books for the Road Ahead for life after 50.  Get some tips on aging gracefully from Lauren based on her investigative experience and research on what works and doesn’t work with respect to diets, exercise programs, wrinkle-erasing injections/fillers,  and vitamin supplements out there.



Podcast Interview with Lauren Kessler –  “Counterclockwise: My Year of Hypnosis, Hormones, Dark Chocolate, and Other Adventures in the World of Anti-aging”

Lauren Kessler offers latest research on exercise

Move. Dammit.

Source: May 28th, 2014

Say the folks at the National Institutes of Health: “People who exercise not only live longer; they live better.”

The MacArthur Foundation Study of Successful Aging, a ground-breaking, myth-exploding ten-year project that revolutionized the study of gerontology, concludes by touting the “powerful effects” of exercise and calling it “the only anti-aging regimen that actually works.”

The renown scientists who head the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University believe that, besides quitting smoking, “there is no single thing that will increase vitality at any age other than exercise.”

One of the major conclusions of the Nurses Health Study, among the largest (more than a quarter of a million women) and longest-running (almost forty years) investigations of factors affecting women’s health? “Higher levels of midlife physical activity are associated with exceptional health status…”

An eight-decade-long investigation of 1500 Californians found that being active in mid-life was the single most important predictor of good health.

Reviewing more than forty studies on the benefits of exercise, researchers writing in the International Journal of Clinical Practice concluded that regular exercise helps prevent more than 25 diseases and health conditions later in life. Among them are the diseases that rob us of vitality and youth — not to mention years: heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure.

So really…you need another reason to get up and move?

Okay, here it is – and it’s doozy:

Adults who exercise can halt or reverse “natural” “age-related” shrinkage of the brain. Exercise promotes more gray matter in the hippocampus region, which correlates with improved cognitive abilities and memory.

Notice that I placed quotes around natural and age-related because it appears that brain shrinkage is neither. While it’s true that that the hippocampus typically declines in volume at a rate of about 1 to 2% each year after age 40, if regular aerobic activity can, as the researchers found, “provide a significant protective effect that can eliminate or even reverse this shrinkage,” then – hold on – shrinkage is not natural. Or even age-related. It is, in fact, the cumulative result of inactivity, the effect of lack of vigorous blood flow to the brain, the effect not of the years going by but of the years going by on the couch. Remember, when you ask the heart to pump more blood faster, as you do in exercise, the blood travels everywhere. Your brain is bathed in the good stuff – that’s the scientific term – just like your muscles are.

Here’s what the recent study I’m talking about concluded: “After controlling for age, gender, and total brain volume, total minutes of weekly exercise correlated significantly with volume of the right hippocampus.”

There are many parts of us we don’t want to get bigger as we age, but the brain ain’t one of them.

Lauren Kessler – Award Winning Author

lauren kessler

Lauren Kessler is an award-winning author, (semi) fearless immersion reporter and self-designated guinea pig journalist who combines lively narrative with deep research to explore everything from the wild, wild west of the anti-aging movement to the stormy seas of the mother-daughter reltionship.  She is the author of seven works of narrative nonfiction, including her latest,Counterclockwise: My Year of Hypnosis, Hormones, Dark Chocolate and Other Adventures in the World of Anti-Aging.  Her other work includes My Teenage Werewolf: A Mother, A Daughter, A Journey Through the Thicket of Adolescence; Pacific Northwest Book Award winner Dancing with Rose (published in paperback as Finding Life in the Land of Alzheimer’s), Washington Post bestseller Clever Girl and Los Angeles Times bestseller The Happy Bottom Riding Club — which David Letterman, in fierce competition with Oprah, chose as the first (and only) book for the Dave Letterman Book Club. Kessler appeared twice on his late-night show. She is also the author of Oregon Book Award winner Stubborn Twig, which was chosen as the book for all Oregon to read in honor of the state’s 2009 sesquicentennial.

Her journalism has appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Los Angeles Times Magazine, O magazine,, Utne Reader, The Nation,, Prevention, Ladies Home Journal and elsewhere. She blogs at about the hope and hype of the anti-aging industry  and at and about the rollercoaster ride of mothering a 21st century teen girl.  Kessler is a national speaker and workshop leader and the director of the graduate program in multimedia narrative journalism at the University of Oregon. She divides her time between homes in Prague, Montepulciano and Eugene, Oregon. Okay, she lied about the first two.

#younger, anti aging, counterclockwise

As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.