Intuition on Demand

How to develop your intuition?

For most people intuition is random and elusive – we get a gut feeling about something or someone but we’re often not sure whether to trust it. Sometimes we act on those intuitive senses and sometimes we regret not having ‘listened’ when we should have. What if there was a way to recognize, harness and refine those gut feelings, that we often call our sixth sense, so that we can improve our decision-making and our lives? CJ intervews Lisa K about her book “Intuition on Demand” and how to develop your intuition to be reliable and consistent.

The interview will cover all the basics of intuition:
1) What is intuition? What is it not? How is it different than being psychic?
2) What is the source of this intuition?
3) How can you improve the accuracy of your intuitive hits?
4) What does science and metaphysics say about where intuition comes from?
5) What tools can you use to develop your intuition? Lisa does a demo on using a timeline and a body scan (Demo)
6) How do you know if you are open? (Where’s the bathroom)
7) How do you know if you have “real” intuitive, accurate messages? (• Non-emotional• Short and to the point, Fleeting and subtle,No “I” in it, Symbolic)
8) How do you deliver bad news to a client especially if you are not sure of your accuracy?

Book Description: Intuition on Demand

Lisa, who has a scientific background in psychobiology and engineering, has spent many years researching intuition. Her new book, Intuition on Demand: A step-by-step guide to powerful intuition you can trust (Findhorn Press June, 2017, $15.99) is a result of that study and her years working with individuals to improve their intuitive skills. She reveals her straightforward and down-to-earth approach to nurturing our intuitive abilities so that they can be called upon whenever needed and the information provided can be confidently acted upon.

Intuition on Demand is easily accessible. Lisa explains what intuition is and what it is not and reveals her techniques and tools for developing it. The book reveals the 10 secrets to intuition, how to recognize it, how to be open to receiving it, how to know you’re not making up the information you are getting, and how to get useful, understandable information from your intuition. The book advocates practicing the techniques and tools on a regular basis in order to strengthen the “intuitive muscle”.  Lisa provides many exercises and ideas to assist and shows how to apply those intuitive skills in certain areas of our lives such as love, money and health. The book also explains how the brain is uniquely set up and designed for intuition.

Author of Intuition on Demand, The Intution Expert

Lisa K. PhD, is a teacher, author and speaker on intuition. She has taught hundreds of people around the world intuition development. Lisa holds degrees in Engineering from Columbia University and Psychobiology from the State University of NY as well as a PhD in Metaphysical Sciences. For more information go to:


As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.