Alternatives to expensive medical procedure

Even doctors and the most sophisticated tests can’t always find the source of a health issue, but there is one authority that always knows.  Marie Manucheri will help you find the expert you can rely on next time you have a health scare or even a minor health issue.  It’s YOU. 

 Show Highlights: 

  • Part 1: What Marie Manuchehri discovered about healing as a nurse that doctors often missed?
  • Part 2: Marie will share some preventative care ideas on how you can detect and address a potential health problem before it gets worse and costs you big time.  Marie Mancuheri offers her scanning technique for a quick self-exam of your energy and overall well being.
  • Part 3: Body scan information continued.  Listener call in with a  puzzling health issue.
  • Also check out pioneer Dr. Bernie Siegel:

About our Guest

Marie is an energy medicine healer who is the perfect bridge between conventional and holistic medicine. She was raised in a family that appreciates preventive medicine, including the importance of eating nutritional organic foods and taking healthy supplements. Yet, it was during her work as an oncology nurse that she discovered and developed her skills as an energy medicine practitioner. The hospital turned out to be the ideal place to understand the energetic relationship between health and disease.

A self taught healer, Marie learned to connect conventional medicine’s understanding of disease—as it was described in a patient’s chart—to what she could intuitively understand about how a patient’s condition related to his or her energy system. Over time, she learned to identify stagnant energy—a sign of disease—and move it out of the body, making room for free healthier energy to move in and work its healing magic. Freely flowing energy can release pain, disease, and help people move in a positive direction—toward health, wealth, and fulfilling relationships and careers. Marie also discovered she is a medium, with the ability to connect with those living on the other side. She uses her talents as an energy medicine practitioner and as a medium to help people heal their wounds and expand consciousness.

Marie’s private practice, which grew by word of mouth, now includes thousands of clients from across the world. She is an author, public speaker, teacher, and leads a mentoring program for others interested in the field of energy medicine. Her weekly radio show, Where Energy and Medicine Meet, on 1150AM KKNW, is wildly popular. Marie’s first book Intuitive Self-Healing will be released on March 1st 2012 by Sounds True along with a 6-CD series How to Communicate with Your Spirit Guides. She lives in Kirkland, Washington.


As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.