Fear of Failure & Success

Are your life goals being held hostage by fear of failure?

You know what you need to do, but sometimes you get stuck when it’s time to take action. What’s holding your back?  Is fear running the show?  Stop the feelings of fear from running amok in your head.   If you want your life to be filled with worry and anxiety caused by your vivid imagination running all the worst case scenarios it can muster, then continue down your current path of fear.  However, if you want to discover freedom and start living your dreams, then Ragini offers her practical advice on how to remove your fears and travel down the path of faith.  Ragini and CJ cover the 3 most common fears that their clients share with them.  As always, Ragini’s simple and practical advice will profoundly effect your life.

About our Guest

Ragini Elizabeth Michaels, author and certified Trainer of NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis for over 30 years, consistently receives international acclaim for her elegant style and professional expertise. She is also recognized for Facticity Six Step Process (Paradox Management) – designed to accelerate your ability to surf the spiritual-psychological interface in daily life. Ragini offered The Facticity Wisdom School in Seattle (2000-2009), as well as Paradox Soirees for past students and Paradox Salons for interested beginners. Her work has taken her beyond America to Canada, India, England, Scotland, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Switzerland. She runs a successful private practice in Seattle, has published two books on the psychology of paradox, and eight meditation/hypnosis CD’s. Her third book – working title The Wisdom Of Your Discontent – will be available next spring (Conari Press, 2011).

Show Highlights:

  • The neuroscience of fear and how it helps us.  How does fear stop us from moving forward in our lives?
  • What is the fear of the unknown?  How do we conqueer our fears when they arise?
  • How does our fear of failure harm us?
  • How are the fear of success related to fear of failure?  What do you do if you have fear of failure or success?  How can you make peace with these fears when they arise?


  • Ragini’s website: www.facticity.com
  • Ragini’s books: http://www.amazon.com/Lions-Wait-Ragini-Elizabeth-Michaels/dp/0962868612 and http://www.facticity.com/content/Bookandcds/books.asp
  • CD’s: http://www.facticity.com/content/Bookandcds/cds.asp

As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.