Part 2: Bamboo a plant on the brink of deforestation – An extinction that will cost $, jobs, and a food source

Bamboo has the potential to solve many of our greenhouse issues. It stores four times more carbon dioxide (CO2) than a similar stand of trees while releasing 23% more oxygen.   Learn from horticulturist and visionary Jackie Heinricher about all the ways bamboo can help protect the planet and bring green business to the US.

Show Highlights: 

  •  Bamboo Diminishing Supplies – Bamboo is on the route to extinction.  In the Far East this crop is being over harvested, which is effecting the overall health of the plant.  Normally, trees through cones, etc  generate seeds early and often.  Bamboo seeds once every 60-100 years.  Find out how BooShoot solves on of the big problems with bamboo through cloning bamboo.
  • Next in series – Part 3:  Building a Green Economy Made of Bamboo

About our Guest: 

An innovator and visionary, Jackie Heinricher’s work is helping to support economically challenged communities domestically and internationally by expanding markets for agriculture, forestry, bio-fuel, textiles, green building materials, pulp for paper production and climate mitigation. As founder and CEO of Booshoot, a pioneer and leader in bamboo tissue culture, Heinricher has developed unique, patent-pending technologies that have fueled a transformative shift in how bamboo is grown, propagated and harvested worldwide, offering the potential for it to be grown sustainably and rapidly on a mass agricultural scale.

Prior to founding Booshoot, Heinricher spent a decade in fishery science and management including serving as reservoir manager for the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency and coordinator for a 28-state study for the Mississippi Interstate Cooperative Resource Association. Named one of Seattle Business Magazine’s Top Innovators and winner of Martha Stewart’s “Dreamers Into Doers” award, Heinricher has appeared in numerous peer-reviewed scientific publications and been featured in The New York Times, Reader’s Digest, Smithsonian, The Seattle Times and on NPR. She holds a master’s degree in fisheries from Tennessee Tech University.



As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.