Category: Money

Buying Sustainable fashion (ECORenaissance)

Buying Sustainable fashion (ECORenaissance)

CJ Liu interviews Marci Zaroff on sustainable fashion.  Marci shares a few chapters from her book “ECORenaissance: A Lifestyle Guide
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Full time Artist: how to make money as an artist

Full time Artist: how to make money as an artist

CJ interviews Sheila Chandra about her book “Organizing for Creative People”. How can you make money as a full time
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Money Problems: Manifesting Money and Wealth

Money Problems: Manifesting Money and Wealth

CJ Liu interviews Meriflor Toneatto about her book “Money, Manifestation, and Miracles”. Learn the 8 principles of wealth and how
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Managing up: Types of Bosses

Managing up: Types of Bosses

Managing Up. How to work with six different boss types?  Learn how to develop a more productive relationship by understanding
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How to use the Law of Attraction?  (Michael Pearlman)

How to use the Law of Attraction? (Michael Pearlman)

For the past twenty-five years, after completing his training at Harvard Medical School’s McLean Hospital, board-certified psychiatrist Michael Pearlman shares
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Couples fighting over money: Causes and Cures

Couples fighting over money: Causes and Cures

What is your money type ?  Are you a hoarder, binger, spender, or monk?  What are the subconscious factors that underlie our
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Money Management: Top 3 Mistakes we make and how to fix them

Money Management: Top 3 Mistakes we make and how to fix them

Do you work compulsively because you have no idea if you will have enough money for your retirement and kids?
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Money is Power: Voting with your Wallet

Money is Power: Voting with your Wallet

How can you be more conscious of the world you are creating with the $ you spend every day? Money is
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6 Steps to Manifesting Money and Wealth (Asara Lovejoy)

6 Steps to Manifesting Money and Wealth (Asara Lovejoy)

A video with Asara Lovejoy author of “The One Command” demonstrating how you can start to manifesting money and wealth
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Attracting more $

Attracting more $

What if you could ask the universe and make just “One Command” on what you want the universe to bring
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