Corporate Social responsibility

Corporate Social responsibility: Can corporations create societal good?

How can corporations be part of solving our societal issues? How can corporations be more conscious of the impact of their actions? What role do consumers have in creating societal good? Join CJ as she interviews NY Times best -selling author John Perkins and Llyn Roberts.  John Perkins was the former Chief Economist at a major international consulting firm who worked with the World Bank, United Nations, IMF, U.S. Treasury Department, and Fortune 500 corporations.  Llyn Roberts, MA, is an award-winning author and prominent teacher of healing and shamanism.

Are we in the age of corporate social responsibility?

How can corporations be part of solving our societal issues? John describes how he feels hopeful about this period, which he describes as a consciousness revolution.  While corporations are changing, there is still pressure at the highest level to focus on market share.  As consumers, we can help support corporations who are doing positive things by sending in letter to companies who are focusing on creating social good.

Video: How can corporations be part of the solution?

What promising trends are there in corporations?

John gets most hope from his work with young business school graduates who are focused beyond money and power.  This is a sentiment that he is hearing internationally.  Lynn shares her optimism with the earth consciousness.

Video: What are CEO’s challenges?

What is a corporate social responsibility?

We are failing on many fronts (social justice, environment).  John describes what we have created as a “death economy”, death through wars, and death of the environment. Our economy is based on death and destruction. John asks CEO’s and senior leaders to be building from a “life economy”.  Video: Social Responsibility Tips for your Business

How can a company be responsible both to shareholders and still serve societal goods?

John points to Mark Barker, president of Nike, who worries that if he goes “green” that he will lose market share.  Consumer movements that help companies know why you are not buying products or why you are buying products from a company is critical.

Video: Examples of corporate social responsibility.

How can we create product, services, or projects with more consciousness?

It’s about reconnecting with the earth, and the environment around us.  It’s also about slowing down our pace so that we can access and be present to something greater.  It’s not just about getting more and more from our minds, but also becoming more embodied and creating from that place.


How can product designers and engineers create a more conscious place?

Lynn steps us through a shape shifting experience where we embody an inanimate object (iPhone) and get a sense of the greater purpose it could serve.  You’ll be shocked at the expanded vision the iPhone could take from this perspective.  But note, this is a process you could do with anything – a project, a living thing (tree), or a product using this same process.


 How could we shapeshift with the products we create?

  • Shrink down into a miniature you. Look at your project, product, or service.
  • Find a small portal and enter that object.
  • Allow yourself to enter into this product, project, or service and imagine what that product, service, or project is connected to from a greater perspective.
  • Ask the spirit of that product, project or service; if you had a higher purpose, what would it be? Let the spirit of this embodied object speak to you.

Llyn Roberts and John Perkins Youtube – Meditaiton

How can technology be used for even more good? John talks about how we can teach younger kids to think about technology differently and think about the positive and transformative ways.

John steps us through a meditation of connecting our consciousness to the life energies around us and helps us reground to our connection to life around us. MEDITATION Llyn shares her connection with a hummingbird. John shares how he connects to nature when he’s in cities.

What are upcoming events? Upcoming events in 2015 for John and Llyn.

#Corporate Social responsibility, Corporate Responsibility, corporate citizenship, what is corporate social responsibility, corporate social responsibility definition, corporate social responsibility examples, economic development, corporate conscience, sustainable responsible business, Responsible Business.

As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.