How to FaceTime on Android the best alternatives for Facetime

On the off chance that you know many people who utilize iPhones you likely hear a great deal about FaceTime. Apple propelled FaceTime in 2010 with the iPhone 4 as a path for Apple clients to associate on a more individual level. Video calling is not another idea by any methods, but rather the pleasant thing about FaceTime is it’s incorporated ideal with the telephone dialer. The issue is FaceTime at present just works between Apple gadgets. What is an Android client to do? Will you have the capacity to utilize FaceTime in case you’re changing from an iPhone?

The terrible news is you won’t have the capacity to totally duplicate FaceTime for Android. Apple will probably never discharge a FaceTime application for different stages, and Android doesn’t have a coordinated video calling highlight. That is the one thing you will miss the most in case you’re changing from an iPhone to Android: the profound joining.

Getting a FaceTime call is the same as getting a typical telephone call, and everybody who possesses an iPhone is naturally marked in. iPhone clients don’t need to stress over getting their companions to introduce and agree to accept an outsider application. The uplifting news is there are a lot of marvelous options, and since Android permits applications to guide into the OS you can draw near to a similar coordination. Here are a couple of our top picks!

Google Hangouts

The conspicuous FaceTime swap for Android is Google’s own particular Hangouts application. Indeed, Hangouts can even supplant iMessage. Home bases can do SMS, MMS, sound calls, and obviously video calls with gatherings and one-on-one. To utilize Hangouts you’ll require a Google record, and after that you can message or call any other person with a Google account (which the vast majority as of now have). Joints is accessible for both Android, iOS, and on the web.


Skype is a standout amongst the most surely understood and universal video calling administrations to ever exist. It has been around since path in 2003. Today Skype is accessible on about each stage you can envision, including Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. You can do video calls (counting bunch calls), sound calls, and even content informing. Calling or informing other Skype clients is free.


Viber is another alternative that offers every one of the nuts and bolts: HD video and sound calls, photograph and video messages, and instant messages. On Viber, your telephone number is your ID. The application matches up with your portable contact list, naturally identifying which of your contacts have Viber. This makes it truly simple to interface with individuals since you don’t have to recall a username. Viber is accessible for nothing on Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and desktop.


At the point when Apple initially flaunted FaceTime there was a hurry to be the Android comparable. For a period it looked like Tango would be that application as HTC pre-introduced Tango on their gadgets. Today Tango offers what you would expect: HD video and sound calls, content informing, and gathering visit. You can likewise investigate channels of substance, and play diversions with friends.It’s accessible for nothing on Android, iOS, and Windows.


ooVoo is another application like Viber and Tango. You can utilize it to make free HD video calls, sound just calls, amass visit, and send messages to other ooVoo clients for nothing. One thing that ooVoo has that not these applications can do is amass video rings with to 12 individuals. ooVoo is accessible for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and desktop.


With more than 350 million clients, LINE is one of the best 10 most well known informing applications on the planet, and you’ve likely never known about it. LINE enables clients to make free voice and video calls, send assemble messages, and has a fabulous time stickers. It’s accessible on about each stage comprehensible, including Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Blackberry, Firefox OS, and desktop.

As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.