How to start dating again

How to start dating again? (Katherin Scott)

Do you want some tips on how to start dating again? Learn how to conquer your worst dating fears. Are you expectations of dating realistic? Get an update from Dating Coach, Katherin Scott, on what’s new on the dating scene and how to make dating easy, fast, and painless.

Katherin Scott- Author and Internationally recognized dating expert

Katherin Scott is an internationally recognized authority on dating and attracting love. The author of “ABC’s of Dating: Simple Strategies for Dating Success” and “Date2Mate Secrets: Discover Secrets Most Singles Will Never Know About Dating & Attracting Love”, Katherin is affectionately named “Coach Cupid” by the media and many of her now happily married clients. The Wall Street Journal, Cosmopolitan Magazine,, The Discovery Channel and Precious Magazine of Japan are among the prestigious media outlets that routinely seek out the sassy, studied and provocative commentary of America’s Premier Date2MateTM Coach. Katherin coaches singles in their 40’s and beyond who believe their cup in life is half-empty without love and guides them to feel full to overflowing with love from perfect partners. She travels the tropical beaches of the world to attend weddings of grateful clients. Their happily-ever-after stories are proof positive of the impact Katherin’s time-tested systems and approaches deliver for those who are ready for love now.

Advice: How to start dating again?

  • How many dates do you need to go on before landing your dream mate? Katherin shares with you the shocking details to shake you out of your state of denial and into action.
  • Is there a way to pre-qualify your date before investing your time on countless dates? It’s as simple as 5 questions.  Katherin Scott offers her secrets on how to know within the first 5 minutes if your date is a good long-term prospect.
  • What are the key 3 things that men want in a women? What are the 3 key things that women need from men? Learn how our caveman instincts are still at play today in finding your perfect mate.
  • Are you looking for simple ways to get psyched up for dating? Throw all you inhibitions away, Katherin Scott let’s you in on her top tips for embracing your inner vixen or viking.


Check out the following websites and podcasts to get you on your path:

  • Get a e-copy of Katherin’s book “Online Dating Made Easy” by emailing us at
  • Contact Katherin to set-up a coaching session:

As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.