Shaman Heart Love

How to follow your heart?

image-christina-prattLearn how to follow your heart. Explore the power of our hearts when we interview Christina Pratt, a Shamanic Healer.  How can you live life with an open, full,  strong, and clear heart?  What kinds of activities or behaviors make our heart happy?  What does it mean to let your heart lead you?

Show Summary

  • Link to Segment 1: Following your heart: What does it mean to follow your heart? How do we court our heart and invite it into our life?  When is the best time of the day to connect with your heart and for how long?  How do we know if we are talking to our heart or our mind?  Christina offers a beautiful morning ritual to share with your loved one to set your dreams and intentions in motion. 
  • Link to Segment 2: Creating a healthy happy heart:  Christina has spent 20 years becoming best friends with her heart using her swimming, dancing and Shamanic healer to .  Christina offers questions to ask your heart and practical strategies to get more in tune with your heart and solve your daily dilemmas. What is the best way to enroll your mind in creating your best possible life?

About our Guest:

christina pratt 2

Shamanic healer, teacher, and author, Christina Pratt, opened the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing in New York in 1990. She has been serving clients on both coasts since then, opening the Center in Portland in 2001. Pratt, a teacher of exceptional clarity, humor, and inspiration, has taught at The Omega Institute, Rowe Center, Hollyhock, Breitenbush Hot Springs, and Sleeping Lady Retreat Center in addition to the workshops produced by Last Mask Center. She is a frequent and honored speaker for the American Holistic Medical Association and local salons. Pratt’s book, An Encyclopedia of Shamanism, was received with good reviews. It is available in paper back through our website or in hard cover from Rosen Publishing Group.


Pratt’s training began in 1986 amid a lifetime of dance. Her shamanic work is a synthesis of studies with Ecuadorian, Tibetan, Tamang, and African shamans, the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, the Center for Intuitive Energy Processing, and personal shamanic experience. Masks of Illusions and the Authentic Selfwas first offered in Hawaii in 1992. The Cycle of Transformation has continued each year since, providing opportunities for transformation and initiation.


Videos from Christina

Thoughts from CJ

Here are some of my ruminations about the human heart to jumpstart the topic.

The heart is an organ, but it’s an organ that plays the music of the soul – it’s the music of the birds and the trees – a universal song.  We forget – we forget to look everyday into the beauty of this divine instrument that holds so much power – the power to heal – the power to see beyond physical realities – to see the purest essence of each being, each life.  The heart’s voice is a beautiful poem, helping us understand the beauty, love, and spirit that reside in every living thing.

We must develop our ears to hear the spectacular symphony of love.  The call is so beautiful and it comes to us every day. It helps us to feel the power of life throbbing through us – through our very Being – and to know that the power is in each of us. The heart is our ultimate source for  true knowing.  We each have the key inside of us and must use it to open ourselves and access the majestic power of our hearts.

Join us this Wednesday as we explore the contours and beauty of our hearts with Christina Pratt from 1:30-2:00 PT.  Listen to the following in depth discussions on gratitudecompassionfaith and courageforgiveness, and self-love and how you can bring more love into your life.



As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.