Generation Z vs. Millennials

CJ Liu interviews Bruce Tulgan ( on the newest research his firm has conducted on Generation Z. Bruce shares how Gen Z is different than Millineals and the shocking differences between these two generations. What are the three most important things Generation Z is looking for in their next job? How can a boss keep Generation Z on track and happy? How are interdependent teams the way of the future? What are some critical thinking skills needed with Gen Z? How is Gen Z affected by helicoptering parenting?

Generation Z vs. Millennials: YouTube Video

More on Bruce Tulgan

Bruce L. Tulgan is an American writer specializing in management training and generational diversity in the workforce. His books include Not Everyone Gets a Trophy, The 27 Challenges Managers Face, It’s Okay to Be the Boss, and Managing Generation X. He founded the management training firm RainmakerThinking, Inc. in 1993 and is a keynote speaker, seminar leader, and business consultant.

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