Making your peace with death and dying(Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr)


For many people, the fear of death results in not fully living.  Learn more about why it’s so important to let go of our loved ones and accept death as a part of life.  Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr. shares Toltec wisdom on death and dying and letting go.

 Death and Dying- Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr.

  • How fear of death limits us? How does our fear of death prevent us from truly living? Our greatest attachments can often be to loved ones.  How can we make our peace with death, transition, change and the chaos of life itself? How do those attachments create our sense of identity?
  •  How to deal with the pain of loss? Letting go of expectations of how you are supposed to react at death.  While we are programmed to run way from pain and mourning and grief.  What would happen if we just accept that this pain is part of life and let go of the stories we have about a person’s loss.
  •   How can you honor your loved one during their passing? Learn a different way to think about how to spend the last days with your loved one.  What would happen if you could switch your mindset away from your loss and toward being a witness during one of the most critical rights of passage in your loved one’s life when they move from the world of the living.

About Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr.

From the age of 14, Don Miguel Jr., became an apprentice of his father, Toltec shaman Don Miguel Ruiz, and his grandmother, Madre Sarita, a powerful curandera (healer). As the eldest of three sons, Don Miguel Jr. was called upon to translate his grandmother’s lectures and prayers from Spanish to English. Through the constant repetition of her words, and by witnessing her ability to heal others both physically and spiritually, he came to a deep understanding of the power of faith.
Don Miguel Ruiz Jr

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As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.