Pope Francis Tarot

Juicy Spiritual Insights on Pope Francis (Tarot with James Wanless)

Pope-Francis-I-Tarot Reading

James Wanless offers a Tarot reading on  Pope Francis

Sure you can get traditional news on Time Magazine’s Person of the Year- Pope Francis, but it’s only one dimensional.  James Wanless offers a Tarot reading to get some juicy spiritual insights on  Pope Francis.  We’ll use numerology to get the Pope’s Life Card that offers us insight into his spiritual path and look at what to expect this year and next for the Pope.  The Tarot reading will offer predictions on the changes we may expect from this new Pope when it comes to abortion, gays, the responsibilities of businesses, and ordaining women.   What will the reaction be in the church? What kind of changes can we expect in the church?


YouTube Show (Tarot Reading- Pope Francis)

About Our Guest (James Wanless -creator of voyager tarot)

James Wanless, author of his most current and seminal work, “Sustainable Life:  The New Success” puts him in the forefront of new thinking for these new times.  At 70 years-young, Wanless is an expert in personal sustainability.  He has successfully reinvented and renewed himself professionally and personally.  In addition, he has recently created a colorful, photomontage nature deck, “Sustain Yourself Cards”, as a tool for daily reflection and action to be continuously regenerative.  As a solo entrepreneur, Wanless was the primary innovator, product developer and marketing arm of his own publishing company, Merrill-West.  In these times where everyone is their own business and brand and because James has been there and knows what it takes, he is a sought-after consultant and strategist.

Visionary, Educator, Artist, New Thought Leader

A former Professor of Political Science in the Middle East with a Ph.D. from Columbia University, James Wanless is the prototypical 21st Century “whole man” as he embraces all parts of himself; he does it all and he sustains.  Wanless IS the message by the creative, productive, healthy, spirited, energetic and renewable lifestyle that he models for others.  He is, indeed, a rare combination of talents as an academic and entrepreneur, visionary and counselor, author and artist, keynote speaker and humorist, futurist and wild green man, soloist and multi-team partner.

Wanless, himself, is a modern “Green Man,” an ancient, archetypal figure representing spring renewal.  His own physical embodiment of these principles for rejuvenation and energy have kept himself amazingly young and fit.  His latest unpublished work – “Adventures with Green Man, My Mythic Mentor” – chronicles this ever-greening lifestyle and has taken this wholistic and comprehensive program of “sustain-abilities” into businesses for leadership and team-building, into churches as a path of inspired living, and into centers of new thought for human evolution.


As a seeker of spiritual transformation, his journey led him to India, where he contracted a life-threatening disease in India.  Subsequently, Wanless took four years to design a revolutionary deck of illuminating insight cards – the best-selling “Voyager Tarot” – as a  multi-cultural map of life and “fortune creation tool.”  A symbolic and mythic art masterpiece, the Voyager deck led him to work with companies and organizations teaching and training the power of intuitive thinking for such applications as innovation, communication, decision making and personal growth.  This work birthed his book, “Intuition @ Work” and podcast series, “Intuition Into Action”.


Though primarily a dynamic and engaging educator, James has developed into a popular motivational speaker and coach.  He has conducted thousands of consultations, certified many Voyager practitioners and frequently lectures throughout the U.S., Europe and Asia.   He has lectured and taught this vehicle of human empowerment throughout the world and has authored companion books, “Way of the Great Oracle,” and Book-of-the-Month, “Strategic Intuition for the 21st Century”, and online study courses.


Much of his early professional work with Voyager Tarot, along with his most current work of sustainable living, have become recently popular in Asia where Wanless often teaches throughout Japan, Taiwan and China.


He resides in Los Angeles and often teams with his longtime companion, Elisa Lodge (Wowza), who is noted for her original work as an expressive arts therapist for ageless vitality and emotional fitness.
​In his presence and with his products and tools, you are inspired, renewed and energized!  For insight, guidance and motivation, James Wanless will take you there.  With his charismatic being, you feel the magic and you are compelled to find your mojo.



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As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.