Tarot Reading

Tarot Readings: Obama versus Romney and a reading for you

Exploring Tarot and taking it to new dimensions has been why James Wanless is described as a Tarot Revolutionary.  We will tap into Mr. Tarot’s pioneering spirit, by using the Tarot to  gain some insight on Obama and Romney in the upcoming elections.  What Tarot card does Romney represent from the deck?  What advise does Mother Earth have for the next elections?  Plus, James Wanless will be doing a real-time Tarot reading for you about your work, relationships, and health demonstrating the power of his new Sustain Yourself Tarot cards.

Show Highlights: 

* Obama versus Romney: What Tarot Archetype does Obama and Mitt Romney represent based on their birthdays? What can Mother Earth tell us about Romney and Obama? Listen to Segment 1.

* Work/Relationship Reading for our audience: James will give the audience some general wisdom for our listeners.  James will offer his thoughts on ways to improve your relationships.Listen to Segment 2. 


About our Guest:

James Wanless, PH.D was a distinguished university professor in the Middle East when he experienced a life-threatening disease which led to a spiritual transformation.  He relinquished his academic career and began to share his new found wisdom and inspiration

James is a futurist and pioneer of new thinking and recognized for weaving timeless wisdom into modern life with intuitive tools and symbolic systems.  With his magical blend of personal charisma, humor and pragmatic enthusiasm, he is thought of as a “corporate shaman” and an internationally known authority on intuition.

He lectures, trains and consults throughout the world.  He is the noted creator of the best-selling modern classic, Voyager Tarot (250,000 sold to date) and also the author of Way of the Great Oracle, Strategic Intuition for the 21st Century, New Age Tarot, and Wheel of Tarot.

James Wanless has often been called “Mr. Tarot” or the “Tarot Revolutionary” because of his enormous contribution to the field of tarot.  James is a master tarot reader with over 30 years experience.  Dr. Wanless, educator, has created online courses in Tarot – Way of the Seeker (a personal growth path) and Way of the Seer (reader’s certification).  He has also developed a groundbreaking technique for using the tarot as a proactive tool for Fortune Creation and Life Coaching.

His latest book, Intuition@Work, and his work with organizations, corporations and individuals regarding the “Intuitive Imperative” can be found on his websites, www.intuition-blog.comwww.jameswanless.info, in his Intuition@Work Audiobook, and in his Podcast series on iTunes entitled “Intuition Into Action.”

Dr. Wanless has also created a forthcoming new deck called Sustainability Cards for using nature as a model and set of inspiring principles for personal sustainability and success.  A natural Green Man, he is the author of the classic, Little Stone: Your Friend for Life.

CLICK HERE to contact James.

As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.