Removing Fear

Overcoming your fears and time limitations(Jaden Rose Phoenix)

jadenWe are only tapping a portion of the full potentials of our mind and what is possible.  Fear in all its forms (see psychological/spiritual meaning of fear, fear of failure, perfectionism, and guilt and shame) limit us and prevent us from reaching our full potential individually and accessing the full power of our minds.  Get practical fun tools for removing your fear and how to do more with less time.

Show Higlights: 

  • Segment 1: Overcoming your fears: Fear is not part of your identity, or who you are. Get past the unhealthy aspects of fear that limit you by placing your attention on your fear and letting it go.  Listen to Segment 1. 
  • Time Management:  How can you do more with less time?  If you limit your brain to linear single processing, then you are not maximizing all of your mind’s potential.  Jaden offers a way to multitask with your brain. Listen to Segment 2

About our Guest: 

Jaden Rose Phoenix is the owner of Alchemy Wisdom, a healing arts center since 2004, and the author of Beyond Human: Claiming the Power and Magic of Your Limitless Self. Originally trained as a massage therapist, she realized very quickly that her true interests lay in modern alchemy and consciousness technologies that create fast and effective shifts for her clients and for herself.  She has taught nationally with Dr. Richard Bartlett, the founder of the Matrix Energetics system, and is teaching and lecturing regularly via teleconference and webinar, with occasional appearances nationally and internationally, while still maintaining a private practice.  Other studies include Natural Healing, Neuro Modulation Technique, neuro-linguistic programming, shamanic work, Egyptian alchemy, consciousness studies, and over ten years of martial arts studies.


As the Executive Director of the International Center for Consciousness Medicine and current professional member of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM), Jaden is passionate about creating opportunities to share and explore knowledge in the area of consciousness studies. With her combination of training, she has developed a method called Holographic Healing, a system of transformation that she delivers to individuals and to groups via teleconference, as well as a workshop called Holographic Principles, which she teaches nationally and internationally to participants who want to learn these powerful methods. She continues to develop a series of transformational downloads that are affordable ways to tap into new vibrations and energies that promote radical change in people’s lives. An ordained minister and trained as an intuitive, she has been teaching and counseling for over twenty years.

As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.