
Using Astrology to reach your full potential (Mary Valby)

Everyone is blessed with inherent gifts. Mary Valby our resident astrology brainiac, who wrote her Princeton thesis on medieval zodiac signs, shares her wisdom and creed on astrology so that you can quickly and easily find your path.  Learn about the difference between your sun and full birth chart and when to use each in self-discovery.  Plus, you’ll get a peak into her outrageously fun and one-of-a-kind books that allow you to find out what you have in common with famous actors, scientists, and politicians.


Show Highlights: 

  • What is the difference between horoscopes for my sign versus a full astrological birth chart? When should use one versus the other?
  • How can astrology be used? How can it be used for me to realize my full potential?
  • Tell us about your books, which offer a fun and easy way to learn about yourself.

About our Guest: 

Mary Valby’s fascination with astrology began as she wrote her Princeton thesis on medieval zodiac signs. Mary has since filtered thousands of books, birthdates and celebrity comments according to Sun sign. Her astrological pursuits include hundreds of full birth-chart readings, ten years maintaining an astrological website, and membership in the American Federation of Astrologers. Mary has written eight individual-sign volumes for the Quotable Zodiac book / ebook series and expects to complete the full set early in 2013. Mary’s outside interests include tarot, tennis and travel. Raised in upstate New York, she now enjoys the Pacific Northwest.


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Also — if that’s not too commercial, or The Quotable Scorpio,The Quotable Sagittarius, The Quotable Capricorn, The Quotable Libra at


As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.