Stay at Home mom

Stay at Home Mom Turn Superstar (Sue London)

Sue London shares her incredible personal journey from moving from a stay at home mom and return back to the workforce.   Get inspired and get moving to a brand new you!

Show Highlights: 

  • Making the move back into the workforce from stay-at-home mom. The fears and how to overcome them.

CJ and Sue offer their top 3 tips for mom’s returning back to the workforce.

About our Guest: 

Sue London helps people around the world overcome difficult or traumatic situations in their lives. Through her radio show GET INSPIRED, motivational speaking, coaching, and writing, Sue London offers caring support and optimism to people who are suffering. Over a ten year period Sue battled Crohns disease, abuse, near death, divorce and was given 30 minutes to live. When she became pregnant with her second child, Sue was told it was unlikely she could deliver the baby she was carrying. The disease had flared up and her health was in grave danger. Sue persevered and delivered a healthy baby girl. The disease went into remission, never to return. Faced with a giant STOP SIGN, Sue made the right turn of a lifetime, adopted a positive outlook and never looked back. Sue went on to publish her inspirational life story, “Soar Above It All – Overcoming Adversities in Life”. This is a story of challenges and triumph over illness, abuse, disease, divorce, and near death. Sue has also authored two children’s books. Now as an award winning international radio host and motivational speaker Sue inspires audiences. Sue has regained her health. She is enjoying life in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, where she coaches people to make positive life changes; writes books; speaks professionally, and works in the community to share her passion of helping others GET INSPIRED. Sue accomplishments include being nominated for HALTON WOMAN OF THE YEAR 2004, and awarded the BUSINESS MASTERY AWARD 2007 by John Assaraf, star of the major motion picture/ and book, THE SECRET. Sue has been featured in over 100 magazines around the world. She has been interviewed on over 800 + international radio shows. In June 2011, Sue was featured in a book called, “A Doctor’s Guide to Dog Therapy and Healing. The Power of Wagging Tails”; she is also being featured in Jack Canfield’s upcoming book “People Who Succeed”. Recently Sue was featured on Cable television on the Pet Network. The segment was such a success Sue was brought back to do 3 more segments. Sue’s television career is now beginning to unfold! Sue is now a radio host for TRANSFORMATION TALK RADIO and is heard by millions there and on WBLQ 1230 AM radio out of New York, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Sue is very grateful to be making such a positive difference for many around the world.


As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.