Removing Obstacles and Overcoming Depression (Danny Dover)

danny-doverDo you want to live life to it’s fullest?  Hear tips on removing obstacles and how one man overcame depression.  Learn how our guest transformed his life and moved from being depressed and 70lbs over weight to living life to it’s fullest. Click on “Listen to the Show” this Wed at 1:00-1:30 PST and Danny Dover will inspire you into action uring his live interview with CBS.

About our Guest:

Danny Dover is a passionate SEO, influential writer and obsessed life list completer. He is the author of the best selling book Search Engine Optimization Secrets and the co-founder of Making it Click, a marketing training course. Before starting his own company, Danny was the Senior SEO Manager at AT&T and the Lead SEO at  In his free time, Danny spends his time checking items off his 150+ item bucket list (more than 70% of which is now complete) and working to become a better writer.


Blog Post by Danny Dover’s blog at:


Dear Unhappy Former Self by on April 20, 2011

Dear Unhappy Former Self,

At lot has changed since we parted ways…

Before and After

The basic differences are easy to point out. First and foremost, I am in a lot better shape than you. I am about 60 pounds lighter and a whole lot more agile and flexible. Whereas, you got winded after a 50 ft dash to answer the phone, I can now maintain a dead sprint for half a mile at sea level without losing my breath. (Yes, I stole that from the Bourne Identity.) It might seem hard to believe but I also heal faster than you. Injuries and bruises are gone sooner for me than they are for you. The world reacts in better ways to my presence than it does to yours. When people give me a double take, it is no longer to make sure I am not trying to sneak candy into a movie theater.

I also feel a whole lot better than you. I sleep less hours but feel more rested. I have more energy but eat less sugar. My mind feels sharper but I take no medications. I am better at doing mental math, remembering names and communicating my ideas. I have improved focus, stamina and discipline. You have cheap beer and even cheaper promises.

You were an important part of my life but like a negative friend, you were holding me back. The same wit we shared is no longer the single string that keeps me alive in social situations.

I now have purpose, goals and confidence.

So what changed?

Simply put, I decided to dump you. No more excuses. No more whining. No more accepting the world as it was. It wasn’t me, it was you. The break up was difficult but put frankly, I realized I could do better than you.

I decided to make diet and exercise a priority and made the decision to fully commit myself to my life list. It was hard at first but gradually I started to become better than you. My priorities became clear and I started to gain momentum. I started to take more chances and slowly started to learn what was possible.

We share a lot in common, you and I. We both have the same hard past experiences that we can choose to allow to limit us. We still have the same fears and the same faults.

You wake up every morning with a smile and optimism for tomorrow. I wake up every morning with a smile and optimism for today.

I make change happen now.

Hope is not lost for you. You can still become whatever or whoever you want. That burst of inspiration that occasionally enlightens you, can still be turned into action. The only variable is you. You must decide to cultivate that change in yourself. It won’t be a caring friend, a successful co-worker or a concerned doctor that turns the steering wheel of your life, it will have to be you. You are not the best version of yourself, you can improve. Make the decision to act! If you do, a happier future awaits.


A much happier you 🙂

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As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.