Money is Power: Voting with your Wallet

008How can you be more conscious of the world you are creating with the $ you spend every day? Money is power. And wherever large amounts of money collect, new centers of power form.  Today, modern corporations have amassed a ton of power and our destinies are increasingly in their hands. Unfortunately, unlike politicians these new power centers are not democracies and we don’t vote for their corporate polices.  Are you happy with the outcomes corporations have created?  If not, then you have a voice and a vote through your spending.  Each year the average American family spends around $22,000 each year on goods and services – that’s 22,000 votes every year for the kind of world you want to live in.    Join us as we talk to Dr. Ellis Jones, author of the award-winning author of The Better World Shopping Guide and the c0-author of The Better World Handboook.  If you can’t listen live this Wed at 1:00-2:00PST make sure to subscribe by email (see right sidebar), “friend us” on Facebook to listen to the show at your convenience, or subscribe to “Fire it UP with CJ” via iTunes.

Show Summary

  • Link to Segment 1: What if you could make a difference in the world by simply buying gas at a different station? Professor Ellis Jones explains why he thinks changing your purchase behavior does make a difference in the world and why buying with consciousness is just as important as voting each year during political elections.  
  • Link to Segment 2: What does it mean to be a good consumer and how is it related to being a good citizen?  Why does a thriving democracy depend on each citizen buying  products and services from companies that behave responsibly?
  • Link to Segment 3:  Hear Professor Ellis Jones offer his thoughts on what constitutes a “good” company and whether he thinks companies really listen to consumers.
  • Link to Segment 4:  It’s so hard to make smart, responsible choices at the store.  Professor Ellis Jones offers why The Better World Handbook is a trusted source to use in making your purchases.  Professor Ellis explains why going to Shell versus Exxon can be one simple change you can make to change the world.  He offers his top 3 changes you can make and several good companies you should consider buying from.

Blog Post from our Guest

the.idea – voting with your wallet

BETTER WORLD SHOPPER is a site dedicated to providing people with a comprehensive, up-to-date, reliable account of the social and environmental responsibility of every company on the planet AND making it available in practical forms that individuals can use in their everyday lives. Coming out of more than 5 years of  intensive research, this work is based on a comprehensive database of  over 1000 companies and utilizes 25+ reliable sources of data to cover  everything from the environment to human rights, community development  to animal protection.

5 key.issues

  • HUMAN RIGHTS: sweatshops, 3rd world community exploitation, international health issues, divestment, child labor, code of conduct.
  • THE ENVIRONMENT: global      warming, rainforest destruction, pollution, recycling, renewable      energy, greenwashing, toxic waste, eco-innovations, illegal dumping,      sustainable farming.
  • ANIMAL PROTECTION: factory farming, animal testing, humane treatment, wild  animal habitat.
  • COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: family farms, local business support, volunteer efforts, sustainable growth, philanthropic donations, nonprofit alliances, establishing foundations.
  • SOCIAL JUSTICE : fair wages, fatalities, union busting efforts, health & safety records, discrimination based on: race, gender, age, ability, religion, sexuality, ethnicity.

About Our Guest

Since receiving his doctoral degree in sociology from the University of Colorado, Boulder, Ellis Jones has focused all of his energies on bridging the gap between academics, activists and the average citizen. A scholar of social responsibility, global citizenship and everyday activism, Dr. Jones continues to teach and give presentations across the country on how to turn lofty ideals into practical actions. His other works include The Better World Handbook (winner of Sprituality & Health’s Best Book of the Year Award for 2001 under the category of Hope)   and the book version of this website (which has now sold over 100,000 copies), The Better World Shopping Guide. He has won numerous awards for his work in the classroom and currently teaches in the department of sociology and anthropology at Holy Cross College in Worcester, MA.

As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.