Olivia Mellan Money Harmony

Money Management: Top 3 Mistakes we make and how to fix them

moneyDo you work compulsively because you have no idea if you will have enough money for your retirement and kids?   What are the top 3 mistakes we make about money?  What are 3 simple things you can do to feel like you are in control of your money no matter how much you have?   You’ll be surprised how much money worries drain your energy and drive.  Emily Zillig, a money coach, will share with you what you need to figure out about money money management so that you can spend less, save more, and increase your income.

Show Summary

Link to Segment 1:  Join money coach Emily Zillig as she talks a taboo subject– money.   As Emily says, “People would rather talk about sex, then money”.   But, it’s critical that we talk about our money issues in order to overcome it.  Our beliefs about money can cripple us into a place of inaction in our lives or a place of empowerment.   We’ll get an inside look at the most common hang up’s  that we all share about money and how to fix them.   

Link to Segment 2Join us as Emily Zillig shares the tricks of her trade, and shares with you the 3 critical steps you need to gain mastery over your resources.  Don’t be surprised if you find ways of saving money just by listening to the show. 


Blog Post from our Guest

How to stop fear from f-ing up your life

by EMILY Zillig on APRIL 21, 2013

With all the things going on in the world, there’s a lot of fear going around right now.

In just the last two days I’ve talked to people in deep pain about:

  • Fear of the IRS and taxes
  • Fear of digging out of huge debt
  • Fear of running out of money
  • Fear of talking to a spouse about money
  • Fear of being alone, of feeling invisible, of being hurt
  • Fear of government, the price of gas, toxins in food, disease, and pain
  • Fear of surprise bombings, mass shooters, and random violence.

Unfortunately, fear isn’t going to help you get through a single one of those things.

Bombings happen. Children die. Sometimes we don’t plan (because, HELLO, we’re AFRAID!) and we owe overwhelming amounts to the IRS. Businesses fail. Relationships end. We get sick, and eventually we all die (that one is unavoidable).

Those things are painful, devastating, and sometimes life-altering. But there’s only so much any of us can do to stop them, and being afraid isn’t one of them.

As a matter of fact, fear makes it all worse.

Fear shuts down your connection to your intuition. It creates barriers between you and other people. It stops you from connecting to your inner self and honoring and taking care of yourself.

It keeps you pushing harder and harder, being more and more vigilant, and then feeling not only afraid, but overwhelmed, exhausted, and out of control.

All of this other stuff – bills, income, the IRS, whether or not I offend someone with my boob job article – none of those things have anything to do with WHO I AM or WHAT IS TRULY IMPORTANT to me.

What is important to me?

My health. My children. My family and friends. Love. The fact that what I have learned in my crazy life and what I KNOW in my soul to be true may actually help someone. Staying in faith.

Faith means I live in my truth. I do what I feel is the right thing to do with the things I can control. I pay attention to my money, even if there “isn’t enough” in the moment. I file and pay my taxes. Not because I’m afraid (and trust me – I have a healthy respect for the IRS!), but because it needs to be done. And NOT having it done is a weight I’m not willing to carry around!

It is what it is, and being afraid isn’t going to change it. Taking control does. I trust that, as long as I stay in my truth, I’m doing what I can do. Whatever happens after that, I will handle it as it comes.

That’s really all any of us can do.

The rest of those things – active shooters, random violence, the economy, the government – aren’t in my control. I choose to give my energy to my Important Things list instead.

What about the fears around those Important Things? We’ll talk about that later.

Love, light, and blessings to everyone affected by the bombings in Boston and the explosion in Texas. We love you.

About Our Guestemily

The Mind, Body, and Spirit of Money™ is a creation of Emily Zillig, a money relationship expert, speaker, and author who guides people to easy money mastery. She’s passionate about helping people who think “I’m just not a money person” go from stressed, anxious, and unsure, to calm, confident, and happy, with their money, and their lives.

Emily Zillig helps people make, manage, and multiply their money – even if they’ve never balanced a checkbook.

She’s passionate about changing the way people relate to their money, so they can leave the emotions behind and get clear, confident, and in control. Her mission? A world with no money stress – less crime, less violence, more giving, and more happiness. Cheesy maybe, but a girl’s gotta have a vision!

After managing millions of dollars for the Federal government, patrolling the streets as a police officer, almost drowning in her own (very embarrassing) personal financial tsunami, and then creating a business working with people on their personal and business finances, Emily has learned a thing or two about the psychology of money. She spent years watching how money affects people – from multi-millionaires with mansions and yachts to homeless drug addicts who couldn’t afford food, but could somehow find over $100,000 per year for drugs.

Combining her psychology background, her personal path, and the inspiring experiences of her clients, she developed The Mind, Body, and Spirit of Money to give a step-by-step guide to other successful people who are ready to stop avoiding and start living.

She also loves to rock climb, play four-square with her two kids, and watch the Bachelor. Oh, and she loves Ethiopian and Mexican food, even though she’s sensitive to peppers.

It’s not about how much you make – it’s how you relate to what you have.

As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.