Financial Planning Education

Financial Planning Education: Create financial order after chaos


Financial planning Education: Financial plans after loss


This is ideal for either folks in a life transition (loss of job, divorce, death in family) or who are preparing themselves for their next great act.   Learn how to attend to both sides of your balance sheet – Financial and Human Capital.  Join Kaycee Krysty who has been recognized six times by Worth magazine on its list of the “Best Financial Advisors in the United States, as she describes the importance of planning in a holistic sense.  Learn how to get your financial house in order and why it is just as important as  being the architect of your next life plan.

About Financial Planner- Kaycee Krysty

Kaycee Krysty’s resume in financial planning spans more than 30 years. After seven years as CEO of Laird Norton Tyee, Kaycee transitioned to serve as president emerita in early 2011. In this role Kaycee is charged with researching and innovating strategies for individuals and families facing life transitions. And, through this research, she developed and co-authored Wealth Regeneration at Retirement with Bob Moser, CEO of Laird Norton Tyee.Kaycee was nationally recognized six times by Worth magazine on its list of the “Best Financial Advisors in the United States.” Locally, she was honored in 2006 as one of the Puget Sound Business Journal’s Women of Influence and named a Five Star Wealth Manager multiple times. Kaycee also guest blogs for Forbes and frequently writes for Laird Norton Tyee’s ReGenU blog, which explores a range of life transitions.Kaycee’s focus in Wealth Regeneration at Retirement was on maximizing life fulfillment – the human capital, hand-in-hand with the financial capital. Through the book, Kaycee shares thoughtful advice in hopes that others looking for guidance in taking control of their personal, professional and financial lives, will also find it an excellent starting point. The philosophy shared in Wealth Regeneration at Retirement is the same philosophy Laird Norton Tyee practices every day.

Kaycee is a CPA and Certified Financial Planner. She has a degree in humanities from Colorado College. She is active in the community as a board member for the Seattle/King County Humane Society, the Washington Women’s Foundation and the Rainier Club’s Board of Trustees. She was also a founding board member of Washington Women in Tax, is the former chair of the AICPA Personal Financial Planning Division and a founding member of the WSCPA Personal Financial Planning Committee.


As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.