Healthy Holiday Indulgences

Healthy holiday indulgences (Susan Smith Jones)

Come on live a little, but seriously just a little.  Holidays are a time for indulging in the tasty and colorful delights of the season starting with Halloween through on to Christmas. Learn how to enjoy tasty treats without packing on the pounds. Want to look fabulous during the holidays? We’ll give you some tips on smooth and dewy skin. Travelling during the holidays?  We’ll give you some time tested ways to stay healthy during the holidays.


Show Highlights:

  • Part 1: Smart food choices for the holidays from Hallween all the way to Christmas. Hear about which holiday foods are jammed pack with goodness and which foods to avoid at the holiday spreads.
  • Part 2: Eating strategies for the holiday buffets at home and work.  Learn more about portion control, helpful herbs, and no-calorie drinking.
  • Part 3: Celebrating your inner diva during the holidays.  Elixirs for increasing libidos, foods to eliminate wrinkles, a guaranteed good nights rest- Can it get any better? Listen to Dr. Susan Smith’s simple and practial tips.
  • Part 4: Avoiding comon holiday illnesses.  Get some simple, and practical tips for dealing with an upset stomach, motion sickness, and travel anxiety.
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About our Guest:

Susan Smith Jones, M.S., Ph.D. Even though she has three of America’s most ordinary names, has made extraordinary accomplishments in the fields of high-level wellness, optimal nutrition, anti-aging, balanced living, and human potential.

A prolific writer, Susan has authored over 1,500 magazine articles on holistic health and over 25 books, including Recipes for Health Bliss, Be Healthy~Stay Balanced, Walking on Air and The Healing Power of NatureFoods. Susan travels internationally as a frequent guest on radio and TV talk shows and an in demand motivational speaker to community, corporate, and spiritual groups.


As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.