Part 1: Why does it make sense that environmental change is happening at the local level?

We are past the point of arguing whether global warming is real or not. What are the mover and shakers in the US cities  doing to address one of the most pressing issues of this generation? How will your city fare during the next heat wave, flood, or natural disaster?
Show Highlights
  • Segment 1: Local Governments leading the way on Climate change: Even though federal and state agencies have made little progress on the environmental front, local governments are making small practical changes in their decisions that benefit both planet and people.  Whether it’s making a city more bike-friendly, increasing walkability, smarter land use, or investing in making public spaces more energy efficient, local governments are making great strides in building vibrant communities with healthier air and saving tax payer’s money.  Listening to Monica and you will be inspired with the kind of changes cities can make that help invest in our future both for the environment and economy.
  • Listen to Part 2 of the interview: Is your city prepared for the next big weather event due to Climate Change? 
About our Guest: 
Monica Gilchrist is the Deputy Executive Director of ICLEI–Local Governments for Sustainability USA. She oversees the operations of the nation’s leading nonprofit membership association that helps cities, towns, and counties address climate change, clean energy, and sustainability.  Monica has inspired and assisted countless local governments, especially in Southern California, with their environmental, energy, and sustainability initiatives. She’s helped cities save energy and money, develop green jobs programs, measure their carbon footprints, create plans to fight climate change and lower carbon emissions, develop clean energy projects, and create greener buildings, an area of expertise for her.

Prior to joining ICLEI, Monica was Executive Director at the Green Hive Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to the advancement of education, programs and services related to clean technologies, climate change, green job development and sustainable economic development. She also was co-founder and co-owner of green building consulting firm Eco Creative Solutions, and was the National Resource Center Coordinator for environmental non-profit Global Green USA, where she assisted in the creation and opening of Global Green’s second resource center in New Orleans, as part of Global Green’s response to hurricane Katrina.

Monica has been featured in numerous media outlets from print to television as an expert in green building. Monica holds an MA in Urban Planning from the University of California, Los Angeles with an emphasis on Sustainable Development. She and her husband live in Saugus, California where they are raising three beautiful children, four horses and six goats.


  • ICLEI:
  • Take action: Write your city council and ask for them to become members of ICLEI so they can learn of best practices, plan for likely outcomes in climate change, and create vibrant communities in your city.


As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.