Protecting: Cyberbullying and Sexting (J.Richard Knapp)

cyberbullyCYBERBULLYING/SEXTING: Your kids are likely more creative in the art of cyber deception than you.  You will be shocked at all the ways they can run wild on the internet causing all sorts of trouble.  Worse, it’s impossible to catch them as they are technically smarter than you.  J. Richard Knapp, a bully expert, discusses cyberbullying and how your kids innocent teasing of classmates could be considered cyberbullying.  Maybe, they are a victim of cyberbullying and their reputation and ability to get a good job/get into a good school are being effected by cyberbullies.  How can you protect your kids online reputation?

Also more expert advice on bullying: and bullying stories

BULLYING AT WORK: Most people assume that bullying stops after grammar school or High School.  It doesn’t.  Bullys graduate from school and become bullys at work.  Some times it’s the nerds revenge in action and the “bullied child” becomes the bully at work.  Maybe, you never considered labeling the jerk at work as a bully.  But, indeed they are.  Open your eyes and build your defenses against bully attacks at work.  Ever hear of a serial killer…how about a serial work bully? How can you detect the serial bully’s artfully planned strategies of manipulation all designed to ruin your reputation at work?

About our Guest:


J. Richard Knapp is an American author from Roseburg, Oregon. Educated at Boise State University and the University of Oregon, he worked as an elementary teacher and principal from 1972-2007 before writing his first book for children and teens. Knapp’s accomplishments as a writer and speaker include four published books, a free email bully prevention newsletter, and a national speaker on the development of healthy organizations through Dignity, Respect, and Understanding – including the removal of bully behavior.

The Early Years: J Richard Knapp was born in Ontario, Oregon. Knapp’s stories often reflect his experiences as a young boy exploring the banks of the Snake River with his closest friends. His adventurous nature and creative mind often led to great stories about life on the river. The author’s life as a young teen turned to turmoil in the early 1960’s. His small rural community could no longer compete in the world market. Knapp’s parents soon found themselves without jobs and no future. The family sold everything they owned and moved to Boise, Idaho in hopes of starting over again. The months and years ahead were hard, as the family struggled in deep poverty just to survive. J Richard Knapp’s book, Bobby’s Story, is based upon this time in his life.

Knapp’s family moved to Nampa, Idaho in 1963 to begin a new small business. Although the family continued to struggle financially, his parents eventually built the business into a successful venture. J Richard Knapp formulated his beliefs of Dignity, Respect, and Understanding during these years.

J Richard Knapp graduated from high school in 1967. His accomplishments as an athlete earned him a scholarship to Boise State University, where he earned his Bachelor of Arts Degree and Master of Arts Degree in Education. This was followed by post graduate work at the University of Oregon in administration.

The author began his teaching career in the winter of 1972 at Lincoln Elementary School in Pocatello, Idaho. The following year, Knapp accepted an elementary teaching position at Eagle Elementary School in Eagle, Idaho. The author remained in this position until the summer of 1978; when he accepted a teaching position at Fir Grove Elementary School in Roseburg, Oregon. He would continue as an elementary teacher until 1986, when Knapp accepted his first position as an elementary principal at West Intermediate School in Sutherlin, Oregon. The author later served as principal of Eastwood Elementary School and Sunnyslope Elementary School in Roseburg, Oregon over the next twenty one years.

J Richard Knapp developed a positive reputation of working with low economic schools. Knapp periodically served as an adjunct graduate school instructor for the University of Oregon during the 1990’s. The author’s course focused on developing the communication skills in educators. Knapp’s classes were seeing his earliest concepts of Dignity, Respect, and Understanding.

Bully Prevention Newsletter and Website: J Richard Knapp’s  commitment to the prevention of bullying has led to the creation of a free international email newsletter for educators, families, and communities. The newsletter provides readers with effective research and strategies for dealing with bully behavior. In addition, the author has created a website and various links to Facebook, Twitter, Squidoo, and more.

Honors: J Richard Knapp has been recognized for his commitment to youth with a number of honors through the years such as literacy recognition, work in conservation and salmon enhancement/education, school excellence, etc. Associated Oregon Industries in 1991 recognized Knapp for his leadership in education. This was followed by the author’s participation as a member of the International Symposium on Education with leaders from Great Britain, Japan, Canada, China, Germany, Australia, and the United States of America. In 2003, Knapp became President of the Oregon Elementary School Administrators Association representing elementary schools across Oregon. The author followed this work by becoming the President of the Confederation of Oregon School Administrators in 2006 representing all school administrators and their schools. His work was recognized both in his home state and nationally.

Show Highlights:

  • Learn about all the ways that your children can either be a victim or bully others with their phones and computers.  What does cyberbullying look like?
  • What can you do to protect your kids from cyberbullying?  What internet tools are available? What kind of discussions and rules should you consider with respect to sign-up’s, passwords, limits on usage?
  • What is workplace bullying? What is the difference between your average work place bully and a serial workplace bully? Learn how women and men bully differently at work.   What is the psychological need that is being served through bullying? What are typical strategies used by serial bullies to take down rising stars in the company?
  • What are some steps you should take if you are getting bullied at work? What kind of documentation should you keep?


As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.