The one and only soul mate – it’s a lie

smoke in airAs we walk through life our heart longs to find that special someone that when we meet rainbows appear and violins play in the background.  Our life quest is to find that one person, our soul mate that completes us. The great love stories always end in our finding our wholeness through being with another.


But, really think about this.  Think about the absurdity, burden, and pressure you place on your poor partner to complete you?  In my mind, it’s an unrealistic expectation that sets the two of you up for instant failure and personal misery. The only one that completes you is YOU.


While this may lead you to think I don’t love, honor, or cherish my husband, it’s exactly the opposite. I love my husband beyond measure.  It’s because I love him that I want to release him from my attachment and expectations arising from Disney-like stories and myths about love, marriage, and soul mates or what one person should, must, needs to do to make me whole.


Now, what happens if you expand your definition of soul mate to include someone who helps you grow, learn and discover what you are truly made of on the inside?  All of a sudden, your soul mates expand to family members, pets, friends, perhaps even your arch-nemesis.  Now, the opportunity and responsibility for personal growth rests exactly where it should….with you. The only role of your soul mate is to challenge you to be your best and keep you on your path.


My upcoming guest, intuitive coach and author of I See Your Soul Mate, Sue Frederick, will be sharing her thoughts on finding and keeping your soul mate.   Listen to my first interview with Sue. Make sure to listen this Wed (Feb 6th) at 1PM PST, 2PM MST, 4PM ET to hear her insights about your soul mate and call (248) 545-7685 to get a reading about finding your soul mate or connecting with your partner.


For more: How to resolve conflict with your soul mate?


As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.