What is Success

What is Success?

Successful businessman with arms up celebrating his victoryWhat is success?  What is the key to success? What are some common obstacles and how to use our thoughts to enable us to achieve a successful outcome?  What are some common roadblocks in our path to success and some ideas on how to handle them? Join CJ as she interviews Alanna Levenson, a Certified Career and Business Coach and Success and Leadership Index Assessment Practitioner as both of them share some business coaching advice and answer call-in questions from listeners who want to create more success in their lives.

Video Post by Our Guest

http://www.iheart.com/talk/show/25229902/?episode_id=26927230 How often do you get caught up in the “how” of doing things. Here are some examples: “How am I going to find a new job?” “How can I make more money?” “How will we ever get this done on time?” Or a common question that exudes self-doubt, “How will I know I made the right decision?” You may not be saying these things out loud but you’re most likely thinking them. Asking ourselves effective questions will lead us towards greater success in what we want to achieve. Listen in to the interview if you want to hear more about what some common perceived obstacles are and how we can use thoughts productively to enable us to achieve a successful outcome. CJ and Alanna will give you some ideas and suggestions on how to push through those roadblocks to get on the path to success. We already have an innate intelligence GPS system – our emotional guidance system. By listening to our emotions we can be guided towards what is important to us vs. what isn’t, what is a match to what we want to achieve in our lives vs. what is out of alignment with who we are. Alanna believes that “everything we have ever been through and everything we have experienced is a contribution to who we are today and who we are in the process of becoming.” She often poses the question of “What if there were no mistakes or failures?” to her clients to get them thinking about past experiences in a different way. She shares a personal account of how she followed her own guidance system to make a big decision in her life. She also talks about the brain and how to use it to your advantage so you can get off the train of being on auto-pilot. By listening to this interview you’ll learn an easy to use visioning exercise so you can create a future you want that feels good and is exciting to step into.

About our Guest



Alanna Levenson, a Certified Professional Coach talks about the visionary clients that she works with. Most of her clients have already reached some level of success. They also know they can become even more successful. Successful people are visionary. Successful people are creative. Someone who has a lot of creative ideas and a lot of success to sustain can also feel overwhelmed and all over the place. Quite often they wonder “how do find the time do all of this?” Or “where do I start?” Or due to their success, their time is being demanded of. A coach can become your partner and collaborator to achieving more success to brainstorm ideas, provide you with support and hold you accountable while you are holding everyone else accountable. You don’t have to do it alone. To learn more about Alanna and her services go to: http://i-love-my-life.com/ Her Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/AlannaLevensonCoaching

As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.