Why do couples fight?

Why do couples fight? (Arielle Ford)

Have you noticed that your spouse is probably not going to change? Why do couples fight? Discover how to go from “annoyed” to “enjoyed”.  Learn from the cupid of consciousnesses how to create a happily ever after marriage.

About our Guest: 

arielleArielle Ford is a leading pioneer and personality in the personal growth and contemporary spirituality movement. For the past 25 years she has been living, teaching, and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. Her stellar career includes years as a prominent book publicist, author, literary agent, TV lifestyle reporter, television producer, Sirius radio host, publishing consultant, relationship expert, speaker, columnist and blogger for the Huffington Post.

As the president of The Ford Group, Arielle was widely recognized as America’s foremost book publicist and was instrumental in launching the careers of many NY Times bestselling self-help authors including Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Neale Donald Walsch, and Debbie Ford. Arielle was the publicist for dozens of other top selling authors such as Wayne Dyer, Gary Zukav, Dean Ornish, Joan Borysenko, Louise Hay, Jorge Cruise, and don Miguel Ruiz.

Arielle is a gifted writer and the author of seven books including the HOT CHOCOLATE FOR THE MYSTICAL SOUL series, and her most recent, THE SOULMATE SECRET, now in a 4th printing and 20 languages.

Sharing her wisdom about manifesting a soulmate, Arielle has been invited to speak at Omega Institute, Unity Village, Mile Hi Church, Celebrate Your Life, Conscious Living Expo, Your Best Life Ever, and many other high profile events. Her Soulmate column “Big Love” is syndicated to over 15 media outlets.

Her national TV credits include TODAY SHOW, NBC’s The Other Half, CNN and countless major market morning and news shows across the country. Arielle has been featured in USA TODAY (twice), Los Angeles Times, O Oprah magazine, Redbook, More, and First for Women. Her by-lined articles can be found at beliefnet.com, eharmony.com, gaiamlife.com, gaia.com intent.com and dozens of other sites.

Arielle is one of the founding partners of the Spiritual Cinema Circle, a subscriber-based monthly DVD club dedicated to providing movies about love and compassion. She is responsible for the rapid growth of this company that has now been acquired by Gaiam, Inc.

Arielle is also the creator of the at-home publishing study course Everything You Should Know About Publishing, Publicity and Building A Platform and the annual

21st Century Book Marketing event which is the premiere book-marketing event for authors.

Producer for the PBS pledge shows the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success and The Happiness Prescription, both featuring Deepak Chopra, Arielle is currently executive producer on a new documentary on “success” which is slated for release in Fall 2010.

She was recently hand selected as a member of the prestigious Evolutionary Leaders, an international organization founded by Deepak Chopra. Membership includes a lineup of more than 50 of the world’s leading experts in conscious evolution including Marianne Williamson, Jean Houston, Michael Beckwith, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Andrew Cohen, Don Beck, Joan Borysenko, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Peter Russell, Debbie Ford, James O’Dea and many other luminaries. Arielle co-chairs the EL Media Group with Lynne McTaggart.

Arielle is highly sought after and consulted for her laser insights, remarkable connections with everybody and anybody in the personal growth field, and her ability to make things and “miracles” happen nearly instantly.


As an Asian-American with 25 years in Corporate America AND an spiritual explorer, CJ is a bridge between science and spirit. Western and Eastern, as well as logical and intuitive, she seeks out ideas from seemingly opposite sides of an issue to help her audience plug into what’s unfolding on a global scale. From energy healers to surgeons, psychics to psychologists, and vegans to ranchers, her diverse guests reflect her commitment to engage, challenge, entertain and enlighten in every show.