Akashic Records
Finding Your Purpose on Earth
CJ Liu interviews Linda Howe on her newest book “INSPIRED MANIFESTING: Elevate Your Energy & Ignite Your Dreams Through the Akashic Records”.
Part 1: Akashic Records – How do I Find My Purpose on Earth?
Linda shares how the last six years has been devoted to developing this new book to help people find their purpose on earth and deliver their treasures. She explains that our dreams contain our soul’s purpose. Often, we have old ideas that condition us into thinking that it’s not time to manifest our soul’s desires. Whether this conditioning came from our parents, society, or our spouse, the time is NOW to solve the world’s problems.
Each soul has a unique offering to share with the world. Despite our religious conditioning, it’s not through martyrdom that we achieve our soul’s purpose. And it’s not about waiting another day to move forward until we’ve raised more money, learned more, or become more awakened. Instead, it’s about giving to what sustains and nurtures us on a daily basis. When we nurture and sustain ourselves, we are coming to balance with our soul’s path. While it’s true that the spiritual world is infinite and that we are immortals, we have the opportunity of this human life that is finite. It’s time for us to act now.
How do I Find My Purpose on Earth?: YouTube Video
Part 2: Akashic Records – Am I Living My Purpose?
How do we know if we are living according to our Highest purpose? Linda shares that the soul’s purpose is to be aware of its divine nature, which is about love. She explains that we all have a unified purpose of humanity, and an individual purpose.
Our unified soul’s purpose is to grow into experiencing unconditional love for ourselves, others, and society. The way we discover our individual purpose within the collective is to engage in activities that unleash the unlimited love that resides within each of us. We have a dream inside of us. Each day we can ask ourselves, “What one small action can I take today that will nurture and sustain me?” By asking and then acting in this way, we make progress that is based on what is present for us on that day. This allows us to experiment and explore and find our soul’s purpose day-by-day.
While we may have a sense of our purpose, we are often not 100% sure. Linda suggests we go to the Akashic records. Once we enter the Akashic records (see https://www.fireitupwithcj.com/129-akasha-read-akashic-records-linda-howe/) we can ask the questions and from the light of truth, you will get answers from the records?
· What am I supposed to do? (is it x?)
· Does this give me energy or deplete me?
· Am I doing this out of feeling sorry, guilty, or because it’s familiar?
Am I Living My Purpose?: YouTube Video
Part 3: Manifesting Your Soul’s Purpose Through Akashic Records
Collectively we have the mission to work together. Individually, however, we have the responsibility of having action that is inspired by heart, mind, and will.
During the interview, Linda shares the triangle test pulled from the Akashic records. The test helps you ensure that you are individually moving toward inspired manifesting day-by-day. Plus, Linda shares what the Akashic records say about the pandemic. The main takeaway is that we should view this as an opportunity to learn how to work together and to not take it personally.
Manifesting Your Soul’s Purpose Through Akashic Records: YouTube Video
More on Linda Howe
Now in her third decade of spiritual teaching, Dr. Linda Howe is an award–winning author, teacher, and world–renowned leading expert in the field of Akashic Studies. She was the first person to bring the Akashic Records to the world community and make teachable access to the Records available to anyone with a desire to learn, starting in 1996. She founded the Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies in Chicago in 2001, teaching thousands of people globally. Howe focuses on the Akashic Records as a spiritual resource for personal empowerment and transformation.
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