Going Beyond the Known Trinity
CJ Liu interviews Paul Selig about his newest book, “Alchemy- Book Two: Beyond the Known Trilogy.” Paul shares that the book was dictated in front of groups last spring and early last summer. Serendipitously, the book was talking about beyond the known and how we have to move to a higher octave higher definition of self. This means moving from our limited egoic definition of self to something that was a Godlike realization of ourselves.
True Self Inherits the Kingdom // Part 1 of 4
Q:What does it mean to serve as God?
A: (edited): Well, the guides don’t use that term service God they talk about the true self or the Divine Self which is the aspect of the Creator that seeks to be realized or expressed in form, the truth of who and what you are, so who identity what manifestation, they talk about service as expression. So, how the divine self expresses itself fully is how one serves. We tend to come from a paradigm where it’s thought of as what we do (e.g- I’m in the healing profession, I am doing service on weekends). How one serves is how one is most fully expressed. It’s what the guides call the True Self. It’s an energetic act. A vibratory act. But they do say, that how you’re called into action will vary depending on who you are, and what’s required of you. It’s moving towards the idea of a way of being. I know it sounds passive, and I don’t think that’s what the guides are teaching. You may be called forth to heal, or just help somebody across the street. True self and expression is operating at a level of vibrational accord that claims what it encounters to it.
The guides in their books have been using this “accord” term, and they’d say chord on a piano. I’ve been hearing that for 10 years and I didn’t get it. The guides say we’re operating in an octave. An octave has high and low notes. And the reality that we’re seeing before us is this octave in expression in tone and vibration. The guides say that there is one note being played in the entire universe, which they call God. If we’re operating in an octave, what they’re doing is in their teachings is moving us to operate in an octave above. They call this the upper room. A chord is a vibrational accord, how you operate at that level of tone from what they call the upper room, claims to it, or aligns to all that expresses there. What you’re actually doing is you’re shifting or lifting reality.
The cord itself is the claims “I know who I am in truth, I know what I am in truth. I know how I serve in truth, I am free, I am free, I am free”. And this claim is what begins to call things to you, and transmute or transpose the right reality. Any song can be sung in any octave up into infinity, even if you can hear it, or your your voice can reach it, you’re still bound by what you think is possible. It’s the realization of the inherent divine in all things, the source of all things everything as of that one source, simply operating at different levels of vibration or expression, and the ability to see the kingdom or to claim the kingdom to have the eyes with which to see it.
Q: How does your limited definition of self fit with this model?
A: Everything we commonly list about ourselves is knowing ourselves through our experience, through indoctrination, to culture to family, to the mores of society at any given time. These things are transit. I could say, I’m a 58 year old man living in New York, but right now I’m living in Maui. That piece of the equation goes away. The small self knows itself through what it is been instructed in. It really doesn’t have any new ideas. It’s job is to perpetuate our definition so we are in concert with everybody else. It’s a limited way of of knowing the self. All of these experiences were opportunities for us to learn and grow and develop. But the guides are teaching that there’s an aspect of us that they call the true self that exists.The Divine Self knows itself beyond time, it’s the eternal self. It doesn’t denigrate our day-to-day reality, but lifts us beyond that. You still need to feed yourselves and take a bath. They are repositioning the Divine Self, to the front of the line. The true self inherits the kingdom, which is the realization of the Divine. The guides say the only real problem humanity faces is the denial of the divide.
The Attunements: Increasing Your Vibration // Part 2 of 4
Q: How do we let go of our habits to move up an octave in vibration?
A(edited): It’s the process of acclamation to the higher that you understand yourself. You assume this reality to be only meant to be the only one you may know. The Divine Self is already present, but its expression has been deeply inhibited to the structures of fear. “Who am I? If I’m not who I was, if I am not who my mother says I am, what am I? What am I, if I don’t have a good job, if I don’t have a good job, I don’t look what I should, or I don’t look the way I should what happens to me, what happens to me if I fail the test, if I fail the test, don’t express myself, don’t express myself.”
We teach with the attunements our vibratory chords that operate in tone. When invoked, they shift the energy the energetic field to a higher alignment. Once you begin to accrue evidence or experience of the self beyond fear of the self in this level of vibration, it becomes rather simple. It becomes experience of how you be, what you see, and how you know. It is simply your attachment.
It’s to find the expression that stands in the way of the Divine. The act of the Divine is to know itself in all things in all things and that all things are of one source.
You have been precluded from this experience through your detonation of weapons, your damnation of others or creations, or creations born in fear and separation. The idea that you are separate, which is an anathema and not true is the condemnation of Self. True self or the God within that seeks expression already knows itself and invites it any unified state. You are terrified of losing your sense of self.
How is this achieved? How is this achieved is the invocation of the claims we offer. The alignment accrues the experience and it begins to shape your vibrational field to a higher level where the truth of your being becomes what you know and align the word. This is a teaching of manifestation, not a doctrine and theology. You can’t know something until it’s realized.
Q: What are the attunements?
A: I am word through my body
Word I am word
I am word through my vibration
Word I am word
I am word through my knowing of myself
Word I am word
I know who I am in truth.
I know what I am in true
I know how I serve in truth
I am free, I am free. I am free
I have come I have come I have come
Behold, I make all things new
Everything You Know Goes Out the Window// Part 3 of 4
Q: How do we embody the alchemical process and the sh*t show that follows?
Paul (edited/shortened)
You know, I’ve been through this before. Living through uncertainly. I was channeling at the Esalen Institute, which is a place that I frequently work at, assuming that they would bring through a book because they have, there was a deadline. And also, when I have an audience of students for say, seven or nine days straight, it’s like, they can get a lot done. They’ll do 80 pages in a five-day workshop. This workshop, they didn’t lecture. I wake up the next morning, I checked my email because I’m a nerd. I got news that a friend of mine from my academic life I worked in academia for, you know, many, many years had taken his life.
He’s somebody that I loved and valued. A real anchor for me in my in my career, somebody that I look to for advice, and was one of my favorite people. I went to channel and before my students in shock. And then the spirits delivered the book. I was so off the rails that I couldn’t have cared less what came out of my mouth. And I really couldn’t believe it. There was a time towards the end of the book when I just went this is just too crazy. I thought, we should put a warning on this book cover. You know, read this book and deal with your shit. But I have to say I went through it. And I came out of it and I’m still coming out of it. Frankly, different. Not perfect.
I just assumed the book made no sense. And then the publisher called me and he said, “You, this is, this is the most powerful book of the series so far”. I sat in a recording studio here in Maui about a month and a half ago, and I did the audio book. And that’s when I really read it. And I was fairly astonished by the book, because of how beautiful and loving it was and how coherent and how it addressed all this stuff.
I understood what happened. They say, “go up to the upper room, which is a higher level of consciousness. You have all these little black stones in your pockets. And these are all your little fears, and resentments and hatreds and all of these things that are misunderstood. What’s happening right now is you’re about to get turned upside down. And all of these stones are going to start falling out of your pockets because as long as you’re carrying those stones, you are tied to the source of them, which is in the low vibrational field. That’s why you keep going up and down the stairs. For example, you go to the upper room and then somebody insults you and you are right back downstairs”. Unless I’m willing to sort of release those attachments to the lower, I’m going to continue to have this experience.
Feeling Out Of Control // Part 4 of 4
Q: Everything now is in the unknown. I don’t understand it why is this happening. I don’t understand it and I feel out of control. I make a decision and plan for something one day and it’s completely irrelevant the next, day because I’m optimizing for something that no longer exists. The concept of impermanence is beyond beyond. All my expectations have been blown apart. How do you live with all of it?
A (Edited): One day at a time, truthfully. What that does for me when I’m able to do it successfully is it moves me into the present and the guides say you can only know God in the present moment. You only know anything in the present moment. You never knew anything yesterday, you’re not going to know tomorrow. It’s only now. It becomes opportunity. I’m not saying that it’s necessarily fun. I don’t find it easy. But I do find that if I’m able to look at my experience now as opportunity to learn and to grow J’m not a victim to my circumstances and the small self likes to accrue evidence of victim-hood. The guides say “you really can’t be a victim and a master at the same time.” If I can be humble enough to say well, maybe I’m learning. Maybe we will learn through this encounter of great change. The guides say that we’re at a time of great change. There’s a chapter in the book channeled last year and that’s called humanity at a crossroads. The guides are really speaking to where we are and the choices that we have collectively. It can be seen as a hopeful time, but right now it’s challenging.
Q: How do we navigate the unknown at this time?
Q: Very simply, put faith in people. We need to know God as presence. In spite of evidence of the small self would accrue to the contrary, if you have faith or realize the potential of the divine. Tat the divine may no more may in fact support you as you progress. You have a claim of benefit working with you and you are not operating in fear. The mandate of fear itself is very pronounced now. People want the known they want to decide what they see, what it means, and label in a way that they can handle citizens or that they have a sense of control. In fact, if you release this idea and allow yourself to learn you may look beyond people see. You may lift beyond what people see at a higher vantage point. In fact, you become a lantern on the hillside that lifts others to it. We cannot do that from the valley of shadow and in fear.
More on Paul Selig
Paul was born in New York City and received his master’s degree from Yale. A spiritual experience in 1987 left him clairvoyant. As a way to gain a context for what he was beginning to experience he studied a form of energy healing and began to “hear” for his clients. Described as “a medium for the living,” Paul has the unique ability to step-into and “become” the people his clients ask about, often taking on their personalities and physical characteristics as he “hears” them telepathically. Paul’s work is widely featured in a variety of media, including ABC News Nightline, Fox News, the Biography Channel series The UneXplained, Gaiam TV’s Beyond Belief and the documentary film PGS: Your Personal Guidance System. He has appeared on numerous radio shows and podcasts including Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and Bob Olson’s Afterlife TV.
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