Growing Older with Joy, Fulfillment, Resilience, and No Regrets
CJ Liu interviews Charles Garfield on his book “Our Wisdom Years: Growing Older with Joy, Fulfillment, Resilience, and No Regrets.”
Our Purpose During Wisdom Years // Part 1 of 3
Charles describes his own insights on aging that were affirmed during his conversations and surveys from those aged 50-100+. He found that as people aged their motivation shifted. While once it may have been about getting ahead, motivation often shifts to creativity, finding their best selves, building close relationships, and being of service. During the first segment, Charles shares that as we age we get clearer about our closest relationships and we make more investments in those people that really matter in our lives. CJ and Charles discuss the importance of spending quality time, speaking your appreciation, and connecting (online, writing, or visiting).
What Do I Do When I Retire? // Part 2 of 3
Charles shares stories about his father and mother. After retirement, his father returned full throttle into his hobby of acting. His mother had the courage to try writing a book, something she always wanted to do but was afraid to try. Through Charles encouragement she wrote three children’s books. However, she encountered many fears before writing the book. She asked herself questions such as, “Am I too old?”, “What if nothing ever gets published?”
Charles shares his insights on what to do when your negative thoughts get in the way. With his mother, he told her that it’s less about success on the old terms, and more about redefining our notions of impact. She should try to find joy in creating expression. If you are unsure what to do after retirement, Charles suggests internal inquiry. Ask, “What is my heart calling me to be and do?” This inquiry then leads to action via experimentation. This can you help you find out where and how you want to make impact.
Secret To a Happy Retirement // Part 3 of 3
In the beginning of the segment, Charles shares a story of someone who was uncovering an aspect of themselves that they were too afraid to explore. He shares the story of a friend who was very successful with her first career and wanted to be a painter, but was hesitant. Despite her hesitancy, she switched careers and pursued a potential passion. She described it as providing much more fulfillment than the previous “successful” career. Charles shares more stories of finding your best self and the fulfillment and joy that brings.
The main takeaway is coupling work with love. At the end of the segment Charles share his final thoughts on resilience.
More on Charles Garfield
Charles Garfield is a psychologist, professor and lecturer, and the author of thirteen books including OUR WISDOM YEARS He has been recognized internationally as the founder of Shanti Project, a widely acclaimed AIDS and cancer service organization (www.shanti.org). For more than forty years, he has pioneered the development of healthcare and social service oriented volunteer organizations in a wide variety of settings. Of these efforts, Garfield says: “Shanti’s work demonstrates that health professionals and volunteers (America’s largely unrecognized workforce) can learn to be tender with people and tough on problems as they serve those who need them most.”
A clinical professor of psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California School of Medicine at San Francisco (UCSF) for nearly four decades, and a fellow of the American Psychological Association, he is currently a research scholar at the Starr King School for the Ministry at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley.
Dr. Garfield has lectured widely, addressing audiences that include a Clinton White House conference, the U.S. Olympic Committee and Head Coaches of Olympic sports, and the leadership of Oklahoma City following the bombing of that city’s federal building.
Charles Garfield was born in Brooklyn, New York, lives with his wife, Cindy Spring, in Northern California, and can be contacted at Charlie@charlesgarfield.com. He will be donating a portion of his earnings from OUR WISDOM YEARS to Shanti Project.
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